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February 1, 2021

7 Ways to Develop a Fitness Routine That’s Actually Fun

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.

Making a New Year’s resolution to get in better shape has become something of a cliché, yet gyms continue to see a reliable surge in memberships every January. Predictably, most people fall away from their commitment within weeks because, for them, working out never sounds like a lot of fun. Staying motivated is hard when we view exercise as something we have to do, not something we want to do.

But it doesn’t have to be this way — working out can be enjoyable if you blend your interests with an increase in physical activity. If you have yet to find a fitness routine to call your own, here are seven of my favorite ideas for designing a personalized plan you can actually enjoy.
1. Take up bike riding as a hobby
Biking isn’t just great exercise, it can also be a blast. This year, consider investing in a bike that suits you. Plan to take a ride, even just a short one, whenever it’s nice out.

If you’re really serious about biking, you can even get an electric bike at an affordable price. The best e-bikes on the market include features such as power pedaling, rugged performance on various terrain, durability, and style. Who wouldn’t like a bike that can continue to propel you forward whenever your legs need a rest?
2. Track physical activity and compete with your friends
Are you competitive? Setting up activity tracking and challenging your friends has never been easier thanks to today’s wearable technology like the Apple Watch. Involve your friends in your workouts by starting a competition with them. You can do this with your Apple Watch through the Activity app.

Competing with friends isn’t just fun, providing increased interaction as you playfully taunt each other. It’s also a great way to stay motivated and hold each other accountable. By including people who are at different places in their fitness journey, friends can inspire each other to keep chipping away at their goals.
3. Take a virtual dance class
Have you ever watched a professional dancer and thought, “Wow, I wish I could do that!” Well, now you can, in the privacy of your own home.

Dance isn’t just a great physical activity, it’s also proven to reduce stress and boost your mood. Some will never consider dancing in front of others, even when in-person classes resume after the pandemic. That’s OK — look for online dance classes that allow you to get started without any embarrassment. There are plenty of ways to get fit at home, but dance consistently rates high on the fun scale.
4. Master a jump rope routine
One study found that jumping rope is one of those most effective cardio exercises. Incorporating even just 10 minutes of jump roping into a daily fitness routine can make a huge difference.

To amp up the fun, try out different circuits and routines. Mastering a new style or jumping rope while listening to music can be extremely motivating. Plus, if you’re focused on mastering a new routine, it will encourage you to continue practicing and getting in at least a few jumps every day.
5. Put on some boxing gloves
If you’re the type of person who likes to release a lot of energy during your workouts, boxing is for you. Boxercise provides a great cardio workout, and it’s easy to stay inspired by watching pro boxers (or the occasional “Rocky” film).

No experience is required, so pick up a pair of boxing gloves and start practicing your swings. Check online for instructional videos from pros and semi-pros. By the time the pandemic is over, you may be ready to throw punches with an instructor.
6. Be a kid again
Maybe you like your exercise served with a dollop of nostalgia. Think back to your childhood and incorporate the activities that kept you outside long past being called to the supper table. Here are a few that might surface pleasant memories:

  • Trampolining

Jumping on a trampoline was always a blast when we were kids. Do you miss those days? Well, you don’t have to. A mini trampoline can be a great addition to your home gym as well as a great cardio workout.

  • Hula Hooping

Hula hooping can mentally transport you to a bygone era. Challenge yourself to keep the hoop going as long as possible. You’ll work more muscles than you might imagine and get your heart rate up fast.

  • Foot Races

Remember “First one to the stop sign wins”? Why not do something similar with a friend now? Sprints are a great exercise, offer a chance to compete against others, and can quickly liven up your next walk.
7. Look for nearby scenic walking routes
Speaking of walking, if you fill your walks with pleasant sights, you’re much less likely to skip them. Identify local trails or nearby parks and make it a goal to go on at least a few scenic walks every week.

Adding fun to a fitness routine will look different for everyone. Don’t allow yourself to be constrained by the expectations of others. What ultimately matters is that you enjoy what you’re doing. If you make it your mission to create a fitness routine you actually enjoy, maybe next year you can skip resolution-making altogether.

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