Dear Sister,
I know your story.
I know how it feels when the rug rips out from under you, with nowhere to land.
I know the agony of no one understanding your sadness.
I know the longing for someone, some place… better.
I know the late night panic attacks and sleepless dreams.
I know the mornings you can barely manage to get out of bed.
I know the self sabotage holding you from back from everyday joys in life.
I know the food, drinks, screens and colorful masks… you hide behind.
I know the comparison.
I know the doubt
I know the fear.
I know you… because I’ve been you.
But dear Sister,
I know you are more than your story.
I know your bravery in the face of a storm when nothing makes sense.
I know your incredible ability to smile in the face of adversity.
I know your determination disspite
I know the peace you feel, accepting your growing pains as a path to a greater purpose.
I know how it feels to take control over what feels so out of control, with grace.
I know the moment you drop the excuses and embrace all of you, inside and out.
I know the forgiveness.
I know the trust.
I know the self love.
I know you… because I am you
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