February 4, 2021

10 Bob Marley Quotes to Reawaken our Tired Souls.

“Money can’t buy life.”

These were the last words spoken by the legend who was Mr. Bob Marley; spoken to his son who was at his bedside, his poetic summation has been etched into history for the last 40 years.

At just 36, Bob Marley was no more—taken from the world tragically young after a battle with a rare form of skin cancer. Whilst no longer gracing this earth, his music lives on, and his legacy as the King of Reggae is forever sealed in time.

Famously eulogized by, the then, Prime Minister of Jamaica, Edward Seaga said,

“Bob Marley was never seen. He was an experience which left an indelible imprint with each encounter, such a man cannot be erased from the mind. He is part of the collective consciousness of the nation.”

In death, his music continues to inspire and influence music, fashion, and culture around the world.

Alongside his rhythmic beats and ageless reggae songs, Bob Marley was also a visionary; his words were like the man himself, an enigma, poetic, heartfelt, and mindful.

On February 6th, 2021, Bob Marley would have been celebrating his 76th birthday.

In an ode to one of the greatest songwriters of our time, I have collected 10 of my favorite lyrics and quotes from the great man himself.

Over to you, Bob:

1. “Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.”

2. “The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.”

3. “Don’t gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold.”

4. “The biggest coward of a man is to awaken the love of a woman without the intention of loving her.”

5. “You can fool some people sometimes, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.”

6. “And don’t expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she’s not there.”

7. “Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind.”

8. “The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.”

9. “If something can corrupt you, you’re corrupted already.”

10. “The road of life is rocky, and you may stumble too. So while you point your fingers someone else is judging you. Love your brotherman!”

Rest in paradise.


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Rachael Nixon  |  Contribution: 54,120

author: Rachael Nixon

Image: Bob Marley/Twitter

Editor: Elizabeth Brumfield