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February 21, 2021

I feel broken; I feel lost

At the age of 26

I feel broken

I feel lost

But the medication that I take in order to cope

Will not allow the tears to fall

Will not allow them to escape from me

My body has taken away the one therapy that truly does any wonders

I feel as if it has stolen my youth

My freedom

My fun

My enjoyment of this life

Yet I feel bad because I know that I have it so good

I am privileged and blessed beyond belief

I am surrounded with so much love and support and beauty

There’s lots of times where I feel that doesn’t matter though

What’s the point?

If I can’t run, and adventure, and fully live,

What do I do?

Somehow there is always hope

I keep telling myself that good always wins;

That everything happens for a reason;

That I will be ok

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