Dear Hurting Heart:
No matter how bad someone was for you, and no matter how deeply someone’s actions hurt you, there is something you need to understand before you can completely & truly heal:
YOU were also responsible for what happened.
Maybe you chose to keep quiet when you know you needed to speak up. Maybe you chose to give them the power to make you happy/sad, when the truth is you are the only one responsible for your own happiness. Or maybe you expected things that they were unwilling to give, weren’t ready to give, or are simply incapable of giving.
This is not about assigning blame.
Instead this is about reclaiming your power.
When you know it was in your power to allow a bad Relationship in your life, then you know you also have the power to allow the Good Ones, too.
Learn from what happened, and then let go.
Release the idea that that specific person “owes you.” And welcome instead the peaceful knowledge that the happiness you seek WILL come in other, more joyful forms.
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