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March 23, 2021

Postmaternal Ranting

A good mother gradually releases her children into the world.

This takes determination and devastates.

They Become endlessly challenging money pits.

Your worldly concerns for their health and their environment are trashed.

You’ve been all absorbed, watching your children laboriously growing away from you.

You let those babies steal years from you.

When you finally step back, look up,  you’re no longer young, you’re wrinkled.

You try again, but you’re no longer that beautiful youthful object.

You’ve lost the firmness in your shape and you are developing health problems.

You’re a lot closer to death.

Child birth takes six years off your life and having sons means you will live shorter than those women who don’t bare boys.

It’s a difficult realisation to find you are no longer disable, not just to men, but to society as a whole.

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