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March 30, 2021

Quick Tips On How To Reduce Eye Strain During Online Classes

Given the unique conditions of the past year, we have been forced to resort to online work and study. While moving on is necessary by adapting to the changes, you must also keep your health in check.

Sitting in front of your laptop, computers, or phones for long hours could result in negative implications on your body. You might even end up losing your eyesight and eye strain. It does not sound fun, does it? But it does not mean that you can simply stop attending online lectures!

To aid your situation, here are a few steps on how to reduce eye strain during online classes. Without any further ado, let us dive right into it!

Avoid tablets and phones

The screens of your tablets and phones are way smaller when compared to laptops and computers. It inevitably results in one of two possibilities, if not both. You would have to lean further into the screen to read what is written. Else, you would have to squint and adjust your eyes to it.

Without a doubt, your best shot is to switch to laptops and computers. That will effectively reduce eye strain during online classes. Try using a standing desk for the sake of your posture as well.

Investing in computer glasses

Switching to computers and laptops does not completely negate the problem. There are complementary effective ways of how to reduce eye strain during online classes. One of them is by investing in a pair of computer glasses.

The manufacturers design it in a way that its composition keeps out the harmful rays. As a result, your eyes do not have to undergo straining unnecessarily. It would be best if you could make a habit of wearing these computer glasses for every online class.

Adjusting the two types of lighting

While you might think that this tip is very obvious, you would be surprised how often you overlook it. There are two types of lighting adjustments that you must make when you sit for your online classes.

Firstly, you must make sure to keep your computer brightness at a comfortable degree. Your eyes should not have to accommodate changing conditions all the time.

Secondly, draw the curtains away to let sufficient light enter your room. There is no questioning that natural light is the healthiest for you. However, if you do not have access to it or it is nighttime, fix your room lighting. Remember that like low light can be harmful, so can be excessive amounts of it. Moreover, one more effective way of how to reduce eye strain while studying is that you should also invest in ergonomics by buying an ergonomic chair or other ergonomic desk accessories.

End Notes 

Not attending your online classes is not an option for you. By incorporating the tips mentioned above, you will learn how to reduce eye strain during online classes. Remember, your academic development does not have to be at the cost of your eyes.

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