March 7, 2021

10 Soothing Quotes from a Quote Lover & Recovering Collector.


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I have been reading a lot of articles lately that are filled with quotes, and I am a quote lover and recovering collector.

I pulled out one of my teaching spiral notebooks, this one bright green with gold-colored dots, and read through several I had collected, written by others, and some by me. Some were actually penned when I was thinking about blogs to write or those I added to my journal writing. A few were ones I said in some classes.

So, here are 10 of mine to ponder:

Om (on) the path to recovery ~ jann

Lifting the fog, clearing the cobwebs ~ jann

No sense walking into a fire with a lit pack of matches ~ jann

That was Zen, this is now ~ jann

A bridge between two islands ~ jann

Lift up the fog, clearing away the cobwebs, thank you upward-facing dog ~ jann

Let your breath be the music that guides your practice ~ jann

Your breath lets your practice be a moving meditation ~ jann

When sad, think of clouds—for clouds disappear ~ jann

Do not let darkness shroud your truth ~ jann

A few things I sometimes shared when teaching yoga. Especially the breath quotes, since I did not (or rarely did) use music in my classes. I am not opposed to music and value its therapeutic role. However, that is a post for another day.

Funny note about number five—I was scanning a thyroid and this thought came to mind as I pointed out anatomy to my sonography students. Oh, the thoughts that crowd our grey matter.

“May it be of benefit.” ~ Elephant Journal


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author: Janice Dolk

Image: giuliajrosa/Instagram

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra