March 27, 2021

“So Lonely?” How The Police Rocks my Loneliness.

Every time I hear the song “So Lonely” by The Police, I want to get up and dance.

Is it just that good of a song? Or do the words relate to my life?

Feeling lonely is a human emotion. It’s an emotion we all have felt at one time or another. When I look up the definition of loneliness, it is defined as the state of being alone and feeling sad about it.

Sad? I didn’t know “feeling sad” was a requirement for loneliness.

Do we always feel sad when we are lonely? I know I’ve had loneliness out of sheer boredom but I wasn’t sad, I was just bored.

I personally welcome loneliness into my life.

Truth be told, I undertake some of the most authentic life changes through loneliness. I think I’ve had a ton of hours, days, months, and years of loneliness—so much so I developed an art out of using it to my benefit.

We could all benefit to use our loneliness to make iconic changes in our lives.

Use loneliness to heal.

We live in a world where we are on the go around the clock. Many wake up, take a spin class, shower, dress for the office, hop on the train into the city, work all day, train back home, pick up a child at school, go home to start dinner, run back out to pick up another child at a friend’s house, run back home to feed both children, clean up after dinner, run one to basketball practice, run home to shower and put on jammies, run back out (yes, in the jammies) to pick up the child, back home to finally sit down only to have my Apple Watch remind us it’s bedtime.

Go, go, go!

There is hardly a second to breathe let alone have five minutes to ourselves. When there is a chance to be by ourselves, we can use this time to heal, to shut-off our brains, and relax.

Are there things in your life that need healing?

Let’s use this time to heal. Breathe. Let go of anything that doesn’t serve a purpose in your life. Forgive, release, and let go.

There is no time to feel lonely when we’re working on ourselves and on our lives. We all feel a little broken at times.

We can use the lonely time to work on healing.

Healing makes us stronger.

As we begin to heal, we’ll feel stronger. Not muscle strong but mind strong. We’ll feel lighter and free from all the junk that clogs up our heads. It’s almost like eating a lot of junk that makes us feel tired and sluggish. When our head is filled with junk, we feel the same way—tired and sluggish. Once we heal, our head will feel stronger from the release.

Strong has the ability to move mountains.

The stronger our mind feels, we’ll be more capable to move mountains. A strong mind is unstoppable.

Mountains rise into the clouds.

As our unstoppable lives begin to build, we’ll be so high we can touch the sky and feel the clouds. I think this was a childhood song I used to sing. There is something magical about rising into the clouds.

Clouds are dreamy.

As we’re on cloud nine, we’ll dream of the amazing things we can do with our lives. Our dreams can be anything. Dream big. Dream loud.

Dreamy provides possibility.

Once the ideas are in our heads, the possibilities are endless. We can do anything, and I mean anything.

Possibility gives us faith.

If we believe, there is no doubt we can make it happen. It’s all about faith. It’s that vibration we give out to the universe that will deliver. Have faith.

Faith is believing we can make changes.

Once faith sets in, changes happen. It’s believing we can and will. Whatever that may be. Changes happen.

Change is everything.

Once the change has occurred, it’s everything.

So while loneliness by definition means alone and being sad about it, let’s accept loneliness and make changes. That loneliness is our “me” time. We can’t waste it being sad. It’s our time to show up for ourselves and create something beautiful.

So when you hear “So Lonely” by The Police, know it’s me dancing to my lonely time because, honestly, it’s my favorite time.


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Sharon A. DeNofa  |  Contribution: 202,805

author: Sharon A. DeNofa

Image: Screenshot/YouTube

Editor: Kate Fleming