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March 24, 2021

The Fear of Dying Holds us Back

This deep overwhelming feeling of anxiety I have been getting lately, traces back to a scary thought that, no feeling, will ever feel as good as death feels. And with this thought, I traced back to a core belief I didn’t know I still held. The fear of dying. This got me thinking about everything I am and about everything I am not. All life stems from one thing, and I am that one thing living an experience in human form.

To be in human form and to have life-source in you, is an experience, to be something out of nothing, or I like to say no-thing. It is an experience to feel what it means to be life-source and to be able to write it down. To be scared of death is a trap that accumulates fear over and over again. And with fear comes feelings of despair and sorrow. The fear of death is the ultimate problem that many people have. We do not like the unknown, and that causes us to not only fear death but fear the present moment because what we are is what we have and always will be. You are now, what you are when you die. You have a body and your body has a name, and that body may not be here anymore, but underneath that body of yours, is something so much more spectacular. You are life itself. Eternal and never-ending. Our souls are the same as a tree or a flower. We are life, and life never ceases to exist. Expansion can never stop. If you look around at our beautiful Earth, it speaks for itself what we truly are. Expansion, or life forming from nothingness, is always created with the most beautiful intentions. When you die, your soul will go somewhere that is perfect for it. It will be home. It will always go where it’s supposed to be. For you to fear death, is you fearing to be alive because you don’t know that wherever you are, is home.

To be human is an experience for a piece of life-source, to look from the outside in. It’s a chance to connect with source energy and use your senses to create beautiful things that our earth needs. It’s a chance to express an emotion that is eager to come out because it has been suppressed in the past. Small changes make big changes in the future. You are a ripple of change on top of this Earth. You get to feel the love and joy that you are. To fear death is to fear change, and if you fear change, you push back against the ever-changing universe. You are the universe, and if you push back against yourself, it will hurt. Source energy, what you are, is expressive because being expressive feels joyful and liberating. Source energy is calm because with calmness comes feeling itself. Source energy loves itself because it’s all there is. If you fear death, you fear being all there is. If you treat yourself badly, you are doing an injustice to the piece of you that knows its true power. This piece of you knows that underneath all your anxiety, fear, and doubt, lies only eternal love for who you are. You are eternal. You are the life right now that gets to look from the outside in and make a difference on Earth. Through words of kindness and action-based kindness, you get to witness change on the earth and all around you. You get to witness what you started a long time ago, you just forgot. You get to witness a new age, where hopefully death will not be feared anymore because it just holds us back. If we fear death, we fear Ourselves.

We need to be gentler with ourselves because we are so special. We are a part of source energy and source energy never holds a grudge, but will always whisper words of encouragement. You are capable of powerful love, and if you fear death, you are focused on what you are not.

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