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March 27, 2021

The Seasons Of Change

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.

As winter nights turn into longer days and sunset, things are changing, myself included. The things that I’ve learned lately are a hard pill to swallow to be honest, but I realize that this is part of the plan laid ahead for me. Sometimes you have to learn to be your own best friend, because I can’t always share parts of myself with my friends. I eat alone at work most days and have pretty much withdrawn into a shell. To walk the halls of was once my safe haven, and now I just feel ready to move beyond it all. After 5 years and 3 positions, its not as challenging as it once was. The need for change happened about 3 or 4 months ago, things in my life began to change more swiftly, both personal and professional. The way I look at things is very different now, I know that the cliche phrase “adapt or die’, rings very true, especially here. My choice is to change the narrative and to try my best to find an environment where I will succeed.

A series of events this week and last took place and I realize the meaning of your higher purpose a lot more clearly. When I interviewed for that position, that I was told one thing about and then when I sat down, it was completely different. I feel like I was blindsided in a way, because I expected to be in a certain location, the commute and just no knowledge in the city played a major role. That would fall under the “not right now” category of things. The following day, I sat on that Zoom call with Dave Hollis, and I soaked everything up like a sponge. So when Shannan reached out to speak to me the night after I was like sure. She is one of the people I consider to be a mentor in all of this, both she and Mindy are inspirations in the way they handle their business and carry themselves. She asked me about all of this and where I wanted to go from here: Taaury37, is my brand and a big part of who I am as a person. My goal is to grow this as big as I can, and help those who need me most. I was offered a scholarship to a mastermind class, where I can continue to grow and reach my own potential. Last night, after meditating, I thought to myself, you wouldn’t have been able to make the commitment to this class, if you accepted that other position. My writing again would have taken a backseat, because I would be more focused on training and becoming acclimated to my new role. The ironic part of all of this, my Alexa was acting up right before she texted me, the numbers 4:44 flashed across it. If you know what 4:44 means, its being in perfect sync with what is unfolding in your life, everything is playing out in the exact way its supposed to.

The thing is, I don’t think we ever stop growing as people, we evolve into different versions of who we are meant to be. When one aspect of our lives falls apart, there is another laying the foundation to rebuild it all. We aren’t “stuck”, its just maneuvering around to figure it all out. Sometimes that takes time, when we want to rush along the seeds that we planted, you have to continue to water them. Today I took a big step in that by putting myself further out there to a department, that I want to work in. While there isn’t anything available right now, patience is a virtue, I feel I’m close to what I’m desiring.

With that being said, I know that there is something on the horizon, what I’ve set out to do and so much more. My season is here, it’s taken a very long time to come. Ignoring the signs that the Universe has been sending me has delayed what was unfolding, from the embarrassing moments of the past week, to the victories that followed days after. I am a very strong individual, and I know what my worth is. As I set my goals for the next 30-60 days, one is accomplishing it biggest, moving on from toxic elements in my life, and allowing the blessings to flow inside. At the end of the day, I have to put myself and my happiness above everything else.

Balancing life and all of its twists and turns, I’ve learned is one of the most rewarding and difficult things I’ve faced. Pressing play on my app, I begin my daily meditation and leaving everything on the floor, as it evaporates just as much as the beads of sweat on my brows. I take my breaths, listen to the guiding voice, I feel free. I am becoming the truest version of myself more everyday, I’ve found it voice and it will never be silenced again.

Take Care,


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