March 23, 2021

This is the Love that Transforms Me.


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A post shared by Rhyanna Watson (@openheartscanunite)

I have begun to learn and am learning that love is not always loud and proud.

It can be strong and silent. Love is not always a knight in shining armor or a beautiful goddess.

It can be an everyday hero we walk beside like a family member or a friend.

It is not the singing of my name across stadiums, but a low tender voice on a Skype call reminding me to live. A voice from a person who doesn’t know if they will be listened to but speaks anyway.

It is not the gifting of beautiful flowers and rings. It is a house full of mess and dirty dishes and a cup of tea that someone made not knowing if I would drink it.

It is not sitting watching me shine on the sidelines, it is sitting on the sofa next to me watching me lost, barefaced and empty, breaking. I am learning love is a person unraveled for another. It is being stripped back of our masks and protective layers that we wear to pretend we are someone, anyone but ourselves.

It is standing scared, naked and shaking, before what scares us the most to honor what we love the most.

This is the love that transforms me.

This is love.


Relephant: How to Fall in Love with Yourself.

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Rhyanna Watson  |  Contribution: 28,540

author: Rhyanna Watson

Image: Author's own by @shotbyshankha

Editor: Naomi Boshari