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March 10, 2021

Top 10 Exercises For Workplace While Standing

Did you know there are ways for you to workout standing at work? So, no more excuses about not finding enough time to go to the gym. Here are the ten best exercises to do while standing at work!

Shoulder Stretch

Practice this short workout standing at work to release your back and shoulders pain. Extend an arm across your body and press it in its place with the other. Repeat the same with the other hand too. Make sure to look the opposite side while you are at it.

Hamstring Curls

One of the exercises at the standing desk is hamstring curls. Rest your hands on your desk and curl away. Lift one of your legs until it touches your buttocks, then lower it back down. Repeat the same with the other leg too.

Make sure that your desk is heightened to your waist level at least. Standing desks available out there will offer you a flexible option.

Buttock Pinches

Try buttock pinches to exercise at a standing desk without calling for much attention. As the name specifies, contract your buttock muscles while standing. You could even be sitting as you hold it for about five seconds. Release and repeat.


Joggers are a bit more than exercises to do while standing at work. However, it is as simple as jogging on the spot. Do not exhaust yourself as the purpose is only to get your blood cells flowing well.

Leg Extensions

While sitting at your desk, extend a foot forward and hold for about five seconds. Repeat the same with the other leg. You could even sway them alternatively for variation. You could try extending both your legs together as well.

Half Dips

Take the support of your chair or table and lower yourself to the floor. Hold for a couple of seconds and then come back up. You could repeat as per your comfort level. It will help you strengthen your triceps and calf muscles.

Calf Lift

One of the best exercises to do while standing at work is the calf lift. Raise your foot off the floor and hold there for as long as you can. Repeat the same with the other leg. Do not shy away from taking the support of your standing desk for balance.

Ab Curls

An ab workout standing at work is the classic abdominal curl. Put your hands on your hips or behind your head. Then twist from side to side and hold each position for a bit.

Side Lunges

While keeping your legs far apart from one another, shift your body weight from side to side. Pick a side first and hold the position for ten seconds. Repeat the same with the other side to work your legs and hips!


Stretches are one of the most straightforward exercises to do while standing at work. Raise your hands as high as you can while standing on the tip of your toes. Inhale as you do so and then exhale as you go down to touch the floor.

Wrap Up

Involving yourself in exercise and physical activities are more important for your health than you might realize. However, do you feel stuck between managing your work during the day and managing your home in the evenings? Through these simple desk exercises to do while standing at work, you can reverse the situation!

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