March 3, 2021

The Kind of Legacy I want to Leave for my Daughter.


When you think of the word legacy, what comes to mind?

Do you consider your material possessions, money, or perhaps your career success? I’d like to offer a different type of viewpoint. You will leave behind a legacy of wisdom and lessons on this planet.

Do you ever think about what you are truly teaching your children?

Often, we get so stuck in our day-to-day chaos that we don’t slow down enough to reflect on our behavior. Why is this important? Because this is our legacy. The world will forget how you stayed long hours to climb the corporate ladder. It will never remember how you spent hours away from your kids to earn enough money to purchase that new car.

Honestly, you deserve better. Your kids deserve better.

What if your legacy was that you cared deeply for the world and taught your kids to live life to the fullest?

What if your legacy was that you embraced life authentically and left a mark on everyone you touched?

Your legacy is the life that you lead every single day. It isn’t that one great moment that happens every now and then. It isn’t the trip to Disney, the new house, or a beautiful wardrobe. Don’t kid yourself that you feel a longing deep within to be greater and do greater things in your life. Fear is only a deterrent if you let it hold you back, and it also causes great legacies to be destroyed.

You need to ask yourself, what mark will you leave in this world when you have passed along? Don’t let fear hold you back, let the love in your heart propel you forward.

It’s the love for my daughter that inspires me to live my truth. I want to pass a legacy of strength, kindness, tenacity, and authenticity to her. Each and every day, I live these qualities while learning and growing to overcome my own fears. You see, if I don’t push past these fears in my lifetime, then I simply pass them onto her. I want her to ascend even further to help make this world a better place.

That’s the legacy I want to leave behind. It all starts with me setting that wheel into motion through my daily patterns.

So, what kind of legacy are you leaving for your children?


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Image: Kristina Bentle

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Editor: Naomi Boshari