I was never a fan of the saying, “the grass is not always greener.”
In fact, it just may be the worst saying I’ve ever heard. I mean, “living the dream” is pretty bad but still nowhere as close as bad.
I am a true believer if you find a job you love, you won’t work a day in your life. If you believe that the grass is not always greener, you would never leave a bad job.
You would never further your career for fear your next job would be worse.
What if the next job takes you to better opportunities? What if the next job leads you to the one after that where you feel completely satisfied in your position with a matching salary?
I am a true believer in happily ever after.
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If you believe that the grass is not always greener, you would never leave a bad relationship. You would stay for fear that if you leave, you’ll be alone forever, or the next relationship could be worse than the one you’re currently in.
What about the fact your relationship is bad? What about the fact you’re not happy? What if the next relationship is your happily ever after?
I am a true believer in creating yourself. If you believe that the grass is not always greener, you would never create the life you deserve. You would stay in your current situation, whatever it may be, and accept it as is. What if there was a better life for you? What if what you create is who you were supposed to be?
If you are happy where you are, then by no means should you run around hopping fences to see what is on the other side. This is for those people who are ready to move on from whatever they currently have going on. This is for those people who are ready for and actually need a change.
If we say or think the grass is not always greener, in my opinion, this is a negative concept. It ignites fear in us. It lays fear to the unknown. It places fear in taking chances. It treats the unknown as a dreadful place. It limits everything in this life.
If we don’t jump the fence to see what is on the other side, we miss the chance to experience all this life has to offer. It doesn’t mean the other side is always the be-all, end-all. But all those experiences lead you to the next fence and the next and the next. These are life lessons. These are lessons we need to make us who we are, good and bad.
Some of the most astonishing art comes from experiences—good and bad. If we don’t see what is on the other side, we take away those experiences. If those experiences don’t exist, art is not created. Think of all the amazing music, books, and art that wouldn’t exist if all those artists hadn’t seen what was on the other side?
Life is filled with lessons and experiences. The choices we make and the roads on which we travel are ours and ours alone. I don’t think there are bad choices but beautiful paths that constantly shape who we are and who we become.
Don’t ever fear the unknown. Run to it. Be curious about it. Walk into it. But whatever you do, don’t ever tell yourself that the grass is not always greener because some of those chances become everything we ever needed.
Even if you find the other side wasn’t all that you thought it would be, it didn’t mean you weren’t supposed to go and be there. It’s something you may have needed in order to get to where you’re going. It might not feel like it at the moment, but one day it will all make sense.
Let’s take chances. Let’s not let the fear of whatever the heck is on the other side, greener or not, stop us from seeing just how green it really could be. Let’s see what is on the other side because we just might find the other side is pretty f*cking amazing.
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