March 8, 2021

I’m a Strong Woman & I Celebrate Myself Every Day.

Photo by T on Pexels.

One day isn’t enough to celebrate my scars.

No, absolutely not.

Twenty-four hours cannot hold the tremendous amount of pain that I have gone through to be where I am today.

No, it’s not enough for me to be told that I am a woman of strength and courage just one day out of 365 days. Anyway, I tell myself that every day.

I am amazing.

I am strong.

I celebrate when I’m right,

And rejoice when I’m wrong.

For I learn and unlearn,

Not once,

But again and again.

Day after day.

I fall, I get hurt, and I rise,

Stronger than before,

Not once,

But again and again.

I nurture,

I embrace,

I love.

I hold on;

I let go.

I fight,

I cry,

I try,

Not once

But again and again,

Day after day.

No, one day isn’t enough to remind me of how far I’ve come in my journey of life.

I do that every day.

I wake up to myself—to these scars that remind me of all the pain that I hold within.

The pain that gives me strength.

Not once,


Again and Again.

It makes me who I am—a woman who celebrates herself every day.


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Damini Grover  |  Contribution: 112,980

author: Damini Grover

Image: T/Pexels

Editor: Nicole Cameron