April 16, 2021

6 Reasons we Keep Attracting Toxic People into our Lives.

Why do I attract toxic people into my life?

Why do I attract bad guys?

Why do I attract narcissists?

If you’re wondering why you attract toxic people in your life, here could be six reasons why:

1. You’re a people pleaser. You rarely say no to others and feel you have no value unless you’re doing something for another person. (Hi, I’m Kate, and I’m a people pleaser.)

2. You’re generous (too generous) with your time. Toxic people love this quality because it means they have someone on-call at all times.

3. You have a “rescuer” personality. You jump in compulsively to fix problems. Even if you have good intentions, it usually winds up with you having to patch up another person’s problems. Over and over. Until you’re drained.

4. You hate confrontations.

5. You are loyal. You are so loyal that you allow lovers and family members to walk all over you.

6. You are overly open and honest.

This video has more information and can be used as a guide during your journey toward self-improvement:

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author: Kate Force

Image: Angelina Bishep/unsplash