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April 30, 2021

Creating PROSPERITY using multi-faceted crystals ~ inspired by FENG SHUI 

We all want it, we all want it abundantly and we all want it consistently… but what is PROSPERITY and how do we create it?

Prosperity is a multi-faceted way of expressing your desires beyond your needs. It is necessarily linked to co-creation by garnering the help, guidance, acceptance, and resources you need to reach your goals and live prosperously. When you expand into abundance, success, and love you inspire those around you to do the same.

In many ways, prosperity is akin to the beautiful and expansive ways that multi-faceted crystals reflect light and energy. In Feng Shui, the most common way to use faceted crystals is as a remedy for issues that require a way to evenly spread Qi which is favorable or auspicious energy. Crystal facets, each edge and face, create a sparkling, multi-color effect from the refracted light as it interacts with the other faces and cuts around it. Each color has energy and significance and when combined they create a way to capture, release, increase or slow down the flow of energy.

These crystals are used in long hallways to slow down Qi, in rooms or hallways with too many doors to mollify chaos energy, at the staircase in front of your door to stop Qi from rushing up and out, and in any room as a means of inviting beneficial Qi. You may have areas in the house with clashing energy or blocked or missing energy all remedied with the amazing attributes of this practitioner’s tool.  All in all a multi-faceted crystal is divinely appropriate for balancing and creating an auspicious flow of your Qi energy.

Personally, I love the color display from a multi-faceted clear crystal, and every time I see the dancing colors reflected on surrounding walls I am reminded of where to place my focus in order to fulfill my goals and desires. This is how I use the energy and encourage others to do the same.

The true gift of a multifaceted clear crystal is to create delight and an open mind to the wonders of the creative process, it lights you up in all the right places!

Here are some thoughts to activate and maintain your prosperity MOJO ~ Magical One Joyous One, because you want to attract all of the right people and circumstances – you want quality co-creation – you want sustainable energy and success, and one of the ways you achieve this is by creating a focus.

Alignment thoughts to consider:

~ Because I am creating my reality I understand that I can change my perspective at any given moment in any given situation which means I am able to move from discomfort and dis-ease towards comfort and flow

~ I remember to be in service to mySELF first because this form of nourishing enables me to be of service to others as I/we co-create the best outcomes

Prosperity thrives where fear has no foothold and when you nourish yourself first, caring deeply for your mind, body, and soul. In this magnetic state of being, as you seek to co-create while calling in your resources, you are invoking the ways to experience PROSPERITY.

We are nothing if not resourceful – we have at hand many, perhaps infinite resources to create with. It helps to bring these into our awareness, acknowledging where we have and experience abundance, contemplating ways to nurture the resources we need to grow, and then using them to fulfill needs and desires.

Prosperity encompasses many resources that include but are not limited to; time, family, friends, fulfilling ‘work’, good health, vitality, clean water, clean air, accessible natural environments, money, respect, mobility, love, food, knowledge, experience, revitalizing sleep, rest, safety, peace in mind, sounds of nature, a new day rising, sunshine, hugs, laughter, joy…

Which mantra serves you today? Repeat throughout the day for optimal results…

~ Today I am rich in the connections I have with my beloveds

~ Today I am rich in health (mind, body, spirit) and vitality

~ All that I am is all that I need

~ Today I am rich in the blessings of a supportive community, it is my choice as to how I reach out, give, and receive the benefits of co-creating

~ Today I am rich in time and energy to seek what I need and take action toward fulfilling my goals and dreams

~ Today I am happy to sit in JOY, grateful for all that I have and all that is coming to me

~ Today I am a magnet for all of the resources I require to fulfill my goal of… (complete this sentence as it best serves you)

My work is focused through the vibrational energy of color. Every color has an energy that is resonant to healing and/or directing. Color energy or vibration activates senses/feelings and on a conscious level can lead you to thoughts and actions that are in alignment with your true purpose. When you pause to allow the integration of the energy of a color you are creating a conscious connection to your inner guidance system/intuition.

Contemplating resources is an act of joy and in that energy, you are a magnet for much if not all that you need in order to experience prosperity. Joy energy is expressed in the color yellow! Perhaps you can imagine that the color of PROSPERITY is multi-hued as it encompasses so much of what we embody as humans.

The wisdom that crystals impart… EVERYTHING and ANYTHING is possible when you decide that this is true, and when you move in the direction of that truth.

Image: Magda Ehlers/Pexels

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