In this world, many thrive to adopt spirituality so that it can bring some good change into their life. But for a lot of people, spirituality seems difficult to practice, or they think it means chanting mantras and doing high level meditations. And therefore, person feels that indulging in these activities will take away my good chunk of time, and God knows whether it will bring any change in life or not. With such thoughts, one drops the idea of diving into the subject altogether for now, and pushes spirituality to be the last priority in life.
So today, let’s spare some time and get at least a basic insight into what really is spirituality and how does it change our life.
Spirituality is about the Real Self!
It is about realizing the fact that the Soul, which is much higher and far, far away from the physical realm, is what I really am. Does spirituality deserve to be on any lower priority then? No, the earlier we know this, sooner will our life change for the better!
Spiritual science does away with all our false imaginations and helps us break away from our wrong beliefs, starting right from the basic belief of ‘who am I?’ Today, while we believe that the body-name-complex forms our identity, spirituality helps us identify the real Self, which is totally separate from the body-name-complex as well as from its associated miseries and pain.
Mere identification of the Real Self begins a series of right changes in life
Taking us beyond the dualities of ‘good and bad’ and bringing us face to face with the ‘Pure’ is the major characteristic of spirituality! Therefore, although the worldly life of a spiritual being may look as it is from outside, but from within, one is proceeding towards more and purity. On the path of spirituality, our earnest desire and effort in life becomes that of enhancing the awareness of one’s real Self i.e. the Pure Soul!
Not finding the right way to happiness, everyone in this world keeps opting for different ways that can make them happy. But every option, eventually, turns out to be leading to temporary happiness only because the very seeker of happiness (the body-name complex) and also the objects from which happiness is sought, are both temporary. This hunt for happiness ends when spirituality gives us the taste of permanent happiness, which is an inherent property of the Self.
When we see or interact with any common person in this world, even if he seems happy and established on the outside, there is this deep discontent and suffering that prevails within him. The reason is, suffering, misery, depression, hatred, anger, loneliness, insecurity are all associated with the body-name complex. These emotions continue to be one’s constant companions, until we believe the body-name complex to be our real Self. And the moment one attains Self-Realization, anger-pride-deceit-greed, all negative emotions begin to leave. Who wouldn’t want that change to happen in life, isn’t it?
All the sufferings in this world emerge from ignorance of the Self!
Self ignorance is the foundation of worldly hardships; it is the basis of the vicious cycle of birth and death. The Soul is permanent. Soul is an eternal element that is never born nor does it ever die. The Soul is made up of infinite knowledge and infinite bliss. Yet, we have to undergo distress and grave problems in our lives.
This is where spirituality takes the charge!
We are oblivious to our own identity. Furthermore, day and night, we continue to rest our blame on one or the other outer circumstances, and find solace by claiming them to be the source of our suffering. But who invited those circumstances – we don’t know?
Actually, nothing needs to change from outside. It is only the right inner vision, our right understanding of ‘who am I’ and ‘how things happen in this world’ that changes our life completely. This is the magic of spirituality!
But this magic does not happen until someone kindles the spark of spirituality inside us, until someone changes our vision from wrong to right and gives our understanding the right direction.
The Enlightened One alone can kindle this spark of spirituality in us!!!
Our Self-ignorance gets eradicated only when the Enlightened One graces us with the experiential knowledge of ‘Who am I’.
Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan says, “You can attain the ultimate liberation (the end-goal of spirituality) through Gnani only.” The One who is himself free can give you freedom.
The knowledge we gather by reading spiritual books can definitely inspire us to go to Gnani; but they cannot kindle the spark of spirituality in us. Gnani, the Enlightened One, alone can do that!
And through Akram Vignan, we can attain Self-Realization with the direct grace of Gnani in just two hours. All that is required from our end is, we humbly attend the Self-Realization Ceremony. That’s all! No money, no long penances… With Gnani’s grace, our Soul gets enlightened!!!
Furthermore, Gnani’s words bring about a dramatic change in our life
Even after Self-Realization, we don’t have to spare any extra time to practice spirituality; we just have to follow Gnani’s words, which automatically bring enormous change in our life. All along, we were seeing with worldly vision that ‘this is good, this is bad’; Gnani’s words help us see the world with the spiritual vision wherein we learn to see that which is ‘Pure’! All along, we believed body-name complex to be ‘I’ and ‘mine’; and with Gnani’s words, we learn to stay more and more in the awareness of Pure Soul.
After Self-Realization, anger-pride-deceit-greed begin to walk out from our life. Whatever be the outer circumstances, nothing can depress us! The spark of the direct light of the Soul illuminates our life first, and then also of those around us as Gnani’s words teach us to see everyone as a Pure Soul first, and as a body-name complex only thereafter.
To conclude,
The spark of spirituality changes things from inside, drawing us towards our original Self and simultaneously, giving us the strength in dealing with each and every situation of our life happily while treading on the path to liberation! To kindle the spark, go to Gnani, the Enlightened One; your work will be done.
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