April 2, 2021

I am a Shy Girl, Created Anew. {Poem}


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A post shared by Rhyanna Watson (@openheartscanunite)

I am a Shy girl,
I never understood my shyness when I was growing up.
But I knew I was different
I am different.
“I was so quiet,” the others said.
“Why don’t you speak up—do this?”
I was looked at like, an enigma
As if quietness suggested there was something wrong with me
I felt so small and unworthy
Like a blade of grass on a concrete footpath,
I am a Shy girl,
I wondered, would I ever have real friends
would they take the time to discover my layers?
Would they cherish them when they found them?
and if it took them time, would they be patient with me?
Those people come in small numbers.
I am a Shy girl,
I may share my vessel and story on social media.
But nobody sees the courage, healing, and vulnerability it takes.
That these shares are from wells of strength deep within me.
I have learned to draw from my depths
To discover untruths of others’ words and society and release them.
So I could uncover I am enough with each breath I take, just as I am.
Although the world sees one thing.
I am mysterious, confusing, and don’t make sense, yes
But I am learning I am valuable too.
I am a Shy girl,
I am learning words won’t always get stuck
on the tip of my tongue.
And each day I learn to find my voice,
from a place of vulnerability and courage.
One day the others will see the depths, not the surface skin.
For now, I will cherish those depths.
For the shy girl who still exists and the courageous woman growing through.
And she is no longer a girl for now she is a woman and mother.
A masterpiece in the potter’s hands, sculpted by the lessons of life.
Created anew.


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Rhyanna Watson  |  Contribution: 28,540

author: Rhyanna Watson

Image: Author's own

Editor: Naomi Boshari