April 16, 2021

James Corden Interviews Prince Harry & it’s Downright Wacky. {Video}

Have you watched this?

I haven’t, until yesterday. I know, I know. I’m late to the party.

Many of us watched Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s interview with Oprah last month, and it looks like it may have stolen James Corden’s interview thunder (apparently he interviewed Prince Harry a few weeks earlier).

Okay. Let me start by saying I love James Corden and I absolutely admire Prince Harry (they’re good friends, by the way). So seeing them together touring Los Angeles on an open top bus was undoubtedly pleasing to the eye—and hilarious. And yes, in case you’re wondering, it was Prince Harry’s first time on an open top bus.

Corden and Prince Harry discussed everything…like everything, really. Prince Harry talked about why he quit his royal duties, what his new life feels like in L.A., how he knew Meghan was the one, and what his son’s first word was.

My heart skipped a beat when Corden asked Prince Harry what he felt about “The Crown” (I’m currently watching it on Netflix so I was quite interested to know what Harry thought about it). And I started laughing hysterically when I knew what the queen got Archie for Christmas.

Here’s the full video below. Enjoy!


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author: Elyane Youssef

Image: YouTube screenshot/The Late Late Show with James Corden