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April 23, 2021

Metamorphosis from ‘the bridge across to forever’

How do you find solace in forgiving someone without remorse?

Like every day they left you to rot like you were a dead corpse.

They opened up your heart chakra pretended they cared only to leave you blind,

Filled with rage, hate, hurt, heart break and no kind of sublime.

This powerful tool of transmuting these negative emotions were a gift greater than it self,

For not forgiving someone is your own kind of personal hell,

For someone to step all over you they really mustn’t care,

They really mustn’t love themselves and feel so much despair,

Their brokenness is something that’s projected onto you,

Like their wounds ooze and bleed and send you in their infection too,

Once you realise this learnt lack of love is what they’re passing on,

You free yourself from their chains and their thorns that tear up upon,

Upon your heart, upon your beauty, upon your sense of self,

You sit in the garden of delights and speak your truth to spirit,

Trying to hear any answers and decipher what went wrong,

What you begin to realise is that deep inside there’s beauty and there’s truth,

That if you practice your intuition and speak to the divine you’ll receive and commune with the truth,

Of why you had received this pain and why you are unfree,

How were you destined to receive this lesson and how to free yourself from thee,

You are able to understand that there’s a world bigger than you,

As an energy particle you emit your own sense of truth,

Once you understand your thoughts help shaft what’s around,

You’ll realise how to wear on your head the Holy golden crown,

Shadow work is required to change the external world,

Otherwise you lack control and get just what you’re told,

Nobody can break you anymore and from that point you’re free,

Realising your worth that nobody can save you from all you don’t want to be,

The only person that can save you is yourself from all the lies,

Your body tells you and your brain thinks, you oversee the ego’s pride,

Observation is the key to see without to judge,

Don’t believe everything you think that’s a masters knowledge of love,

Once you’re able to freely rise from the pain that you see within,

You’ll not believe everything you think and realise that’s your sin,

Your mind is a tool that you can use to create a haven or a hell,

The choice is yours, the power is yours and you are free to fix it all.

You have to understand this simple notion – emotion is purpose filled.

It shows you how to not be controlled by everything you feel,

It teaches you that you are a soul outgrowing cycles and beliefs.

You came here to come home to yourself and knock out the ego’s teeth.

You’re freely observing every aspect of your soul,

Kissing wounds, bandaging tears and flirting back with love to become whole.

Once you master this process you’ll rise like a turtle dove,

To fly away so freely and find your haven in the trees.

You know that deep inside of you there’s always gotta be more.

That intention is powerful and will lead you to heaven’s door.

Love yourself so much that you shed away old skin,

Of the people who weren’t sorry for the committal of their sins.

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