April 13, 2021

Regret is Apologizing for Being Human—& it’s Completely Unnecessary.


I don’t believe in regrets. I’ve done some really stupid sh*t in my life, but I don’t have any regrets.

Regrets are saying sorry for taking a chance on life.

Everyone takes chances, even if it’s just a small one. Chances are what shape us into who we become. If we never take chances, we never learn what we are fully capable of and, therefore, we become stuck along the way.

There are no wrong turns but paths that we embark on. Each path is filled with obstacles, disappointments, sadness, and stress.

There is no way around it—this is life, and no one is immune from it. Just because we went left instead of right, that doesn’t mean right would have been any better.

We all go through the messiness, but we all, eventually, get through it. And as much messiness as each path carries, each path is also filled with adventures, excitement, love, transformation, and success.

Regret is the emotion of wishing we had made a different decision.

If we happen to take a wrong turn, we can always run through the forest and hop on another path. There are billions of paths to choose from.

Don’t regret the chances you have taken. Regret is apologizing for being human. We all make mistakes—we all are humans. If we made all our decisions based on kindness and care, there would be no mistakes.

Mistakes are often not intentional—there was no harmful intent when making the decision and, therefore, we have nothing to regret. It was an honest human mistake.

Regret is feeling sad or disappointed over something that has happened or has been done to us. We make the best decisions in the present situation with our best intentions.

So, don’t apologize for being human—we all screw up.

We should learn to accept and to embrace our mistakes as they help us learn. If you make a mistake, correct it; it’s that easy. Don’t let being human turn your decisions into regrets. Regrets are taking back what we put out into the universe.

Whether intentional or not, we all put our intentions out into the universe. Every time we whisper to ourselves “please find close parking,” or “please don’t rain,” we are asking the universe to provide for us.

If we regret what the universe provides, the universe will not listen the next time we need something from her. Don’t mess with the universe’s vibes.

Regret is a form of hatred toward ourselves, which isn’t healthy. Instead of regret, thank the universe for providing and adjust with new intentions. The universe will always provide.

Regrets are accepting defeat.

It is waving that big white flag and giving up. While it might feel easier to give up, don’t. We need to keep fighting; we need to keep moving forward. Whatever you do, don’t accept defeat; accept your decisions—mistakes or not.

Don’t bury your head in the sand, acknowledge your mistakes and keep fighting. If you mess up, don’t let it defeat you. You are stronger than that.

We all can get past any bad decisions or mistakes. We are natural-born fighters—it’s in our blood.

If there are missed opportunities, those opportunities were not ours to begin with. What is supposed to be ours, will be.

Regret is related to a perceived missed opportunity. We actually don’t know that if we had made a different decision, the outcome would have been the same or different.

We can’t regret what we don’t know would have happened or not. No matter how much we think we know, we simply can’t predict what would have happened if we made a different decision. We are not psychic, we just don’t know.

Regret is consuming and destructive. But learning from our mistakes or bad decisions has the power to improve our future.

So, take chances, be a human, allow the universe to work her magic, and don’t accept defeat.

Live with no regrets.


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author: Sharon A. DeNofa

Image: Fernando Cabral/Pexels

Editor: Rasha Al Jabi