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April 6, 2021

The expansion of dance

Photo by Jackson David on Pexels.

The expansion starts small, minimal, as if you realize nothing is occurring, but the shift is starting.

The shift…small as you start to feel the vibration of your cells and energy awaken. It feels as though the cells are banging on their walls, on their membranes to get out. They want to expand their energy outwards and everywhere.

The shift moves ever so slightly, your head starts to sway side to side, your shoulders relax, your jaw unclenches, your arms swing ever so up and around.

Your hips turn round and round, and then…. your feet start to move…. wherever they take you. Then without you realizing it, your body and mind synch it all together and you form a dance to the specific beat in your head.

Who knows where this dance will take you, is it going to be slow and rhythmic, or do you throw grace to the wind and jump around as if you can’t be glued to the ground? Does it matter? It’s all interpretive. It’s all an art. It’s all dance, a dance to the light of this life.

To expand and awaken is what we do on a daily basis. Dance is an energetic and interpretive form to release and feel our energy, vibrations, body and life.

Dance is an expansion of your soul, where movement of dance can help to depict and interpret what your soul feels and craves. Just let the expansion take place and let go. Dance it all out.

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