May 10, 2021

6 Powerful Voices helping us to Find Unconditional Love.

It is impossible to solve every problem, but connecting with others takes away the pain of feeling lonely, inadequate, or crazy.

Two of the most valuable aspects of writing are processing our own emotions and offering connection to others who are going through similar experiences.

When we finally put our thoughts into words and explore our own patterns, we often find out that we are not the only ones feeling this. On the receiving end, it is even more convenient: we read something and say to ourselves, “I couldn’t have said that any better.”

Connecting with others by sharing our truth is rare these days. Before the pandemic, our fast-paced life made it challenging to find the time for true connections. During the pandemic, many of us are missing get-togethers with friends and loved ones—unfortunately, many folks filled that gap by fighting with others on the internet.

This week, I edited six articles on relationships with ourselves and others. Looking back at these hours I spent doing that, I wish that these six people read the other five articles—and I hope you will do the same.

These beautifully written articles are exploring the six main hurdles on our way to find unconditional love:

People Pleasing

Parent Pleasers become People Pleasers—How to Overcome this common Childhood Wound.” ~ Nicole Baptista

Trying to make everyone happy sounds like a good trait to have, but many of us already learned that lesson. But why did we start acting this way, and how can we stop it?


How we Lose Ourselves in Looking for the Perfect Partner & What to do Instead.” ~ Michelle Gutierrez

Finding the perfect partner isn’t easy, but maybe that is not the main challenge we need to look at. This article offers a new perspective and invites us to question beliefs that might be in our way when trying to find “the one.”


Living With Soul-Deep Losses.” ~ Edie Weinstein

When adults date adults, it is perfectly normal that both humans involved experienced trauma in their life. What if we could find connection by trusting others instead of hiding in our comfort zone?


How to Stop Emotional Triggers from Draining our Energy & Complicating our Relationships.” ~ Maria Toso

One thing leads to another, and suddenly we find ourselves in a confrontation with friends or loved ones. But how can we identify our triggers and establish healthier ways of dealing with them?

Playing Games

Screw the Dating & Chasing Game—It’s Getting Old.” ~ Sharon A. DeNofa

Just because our parents told us something, it doesn’t have to be true. What if thought patterns from previous generations are unnecessarily complicating modern dating? How can we overcome outdated behaviors that are equally harming men and women?

Commitment Issues

Toxic Hookup Culture: 6 Reasons why I am done with It.” ~ Amanda Van Graan

What is the main problem with modern dating? Most of us are aware that swiping on Tinder might not be the most mindful thing to do in the world, but almost all of us do it nevertheless. How can we escape this toxic dynamic?

I am thankful for these six voices helping me to explore relationships without getting stuck in my own mind. And maybe you are reading this (and these articles) thinking to yourself,  “They missed something”—well, I am looking forward to reading it.

Feel free to submit your story here.



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Robert Busch  |  Contribution: 160,835

author: Robert Busch

Image: Budgeron Bach/Pexels