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May 27, 2021




First, know why you are meditating? It is very important to be clear about your desired outcome in meditation- your goal. If you are not clear then you will not get most out of your meditation. Pen down your reasons for meditating and then work on how you want to achieve them. You’ll be amazed by how much clarity this can bring to your practice.


Meditation is something that you can do at anytime; be it day or night and anywhere: be it at home, public place or in nature. Don’t let this thought come to your mind that you can’t meditate. If you are concerned about this that you are unable to understand what it’s about, don’t worry—nobody does in the beginning! Just get started—the moment you start meditating, you will open the door to a variety of benefits of meditation.


A basic meditation tip is to make meditation a daily habit by doing it often on a regular basis. Most of you will procrastinate and come up with a long list of excuses not to practice. If you feel a need to get many other things done before meditating, it’s really just a delay tactic. It requires effort and consistency to build a good meditation habit. It’s just like joining a gym—at first, it may seem forced and unnatural, but with time it becomes a habit and crucial part of our daily routine.

set a routine(4) SET A ROUTINE

To set a routine is one of the most important in starting your meditation journey. You can be more consistent if you have a definite time and place for meditation. It becomes easy to connect if you have a specific time and a certain place. Maybe you say you are busy. But if want to yield benefits, you need to set a time and place.

keep-it-easy(5) KEEP IT EASY

Don’t worry so much about whether you’re meditating in the right way or not. It’s very natural to have thousands of thoughts, which can be overwhelming. Don’t get discouraged with them and let them come and go without any judgment. Try to keep it simple by continually bringing your awareness back to the breath.

let-it-be-short(6) LET IT BE SHORT

It is best to start practicing with short meditation sessions and then gradually increase. Don’t set a long target at the beginning and try to do an hour session. As then there’s a good chance you’ll get discouraged and quit in a few days. Therefore, it is always better to meditate for short periods each day to create stability and a consistent habit. You can even start with 1or 2 minutes and gradually increase to ten minutes.


We need the inspiration to grow in this path. If you are not inspired, you are not going to give your one hundred percent to your practice. Choose among many ways to fuel your meditation fire. Read spiritual books, listen to audios or watch videos on different meditation. And ultimately with time your self-practice become your inspiration.


You can start your day by meditating in the morning. When we wake up, we are full of freshness and positive energy. We all have less distraction and thoughts in the morning that’s why it becomes easy to connect in the meditation. Just start doing a short practice first thing in the morning, and gradually you will succeed in meditating on a regular basis.


You should not worry about the results or progress, keep meditating consistently. Progress is like your growth when you’re a child—it’s so gradual and close to you that it’s hard to discern. With consistent practice, there will come the time when you’ll notice a healthy, spacious shift in your minds.


If you want to progress then understand that it is connected with learning the art of meditation. To make a huge difference in your practice you can apply different twists and tweaks that help in your meditation technique. You can also seek guidance from experienced meditation practitioners and trusted sources.


Practicing meditation can have numerous physical, emotional, mental and spiritual benefits, but the most important is that it fills you with joy. The joy is not an emotional high but is rather something grounded that stimulates our love, compassion, and care for everyone.


Please understand that meditation is not magic—it will neither remove all the difficulties from your lives and nor does it guarantee that you will be successful in all your endeavors. We all live in this world and have to face reality, all the challenges, and ups and downs. When our mood is uplift, everything may feel fine, but when our mood is not good, we really look for help. The inner peace you gain from meditation is what enables you to bounce back from the lows.


Yes, this is true that you don’t try to stop thoughts. The best meditation tip I can give you–just let the thoughts come and go. The more effort you will make to get out of it, the more it will attract you. Just accept the fact that thoughts are the part of meditation. With the regular practice of meditation, you can learn to tame your thoughts. Till you reach a state of nothingness in meditation, thoughts will keep coming and coming.

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