May 3, 2021

A Powerful Lesson from Julianna Margulies about Divine Timing (& Trusting our own Damn Gut).

We’ve all been there.

There’s a huge decision in our path, and although deep down we know what we want or need to do, we spend days, weeks, maybe even months, polling our friends and family about what we should do.

And although there’s a nagging little feeling deep down inside of us that’s pushing us in one direction or another—leave the job, give it one more shot with that person, make the cross-country move—we take everyone else’s input and add it to our already overwhelming pile of opinions.

But if we’re lucky, sometimes the universe gives us a moment of clarity—a moment that clears the way for us to choose what works best for us, what we were always meant to choose. What we always knew, if only we had been brave enough to listen to our hearts.

Recently, former “ER” and “The Good Wife” actress, Julianna Margulies, sat down with Oprah for an episode of “Super Soul Sunday.” At one point, Oprah asked her why she turned down $27 million dollars (what?!) and decided not to return to “ER”—her answer, and the story that followed are a huge lesson in the power of divine timing, and why we need to trust our own damn gut.

May it be of benefit!


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