May 27, 2021

Coalescence: a Poem for Soulmates.

If realities run parallel,
Counterpart and side by side,
I will scour every universe
Until our kindred souls collide.
We’ll strike the ground like lightning,
A golden bullet from the sky—
Aglow in our celestial union,
A spectacle to passersby.
And in this dream dimension
When our spark becomes a flame,
We’ll bid farewell to jaded hearts—
My soul knows yours by name.
We do not need the blueprint
To this fated grand design,
In exquisite coalescence
We are kissed by the divine.
Of all the lives I’ve lived
And all the stories I’ve lived through,
One thing remains unchanging—
My soul belongs with you.


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Madeline Lillis  |  Contribution: 4,665

author: Madeline Lillis

Image: @muhammedsalah_/Instagram

Editor: Khara-Jade Warren