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May 4, 2021

Creating JOY through ‘not’ joy…

Often what we want or want to create requires some hard work…

My husband and I were talking about creating JOY and some of the small steps we could take now to create happier outcomes in the future, what resulted from this conversation was frustration and ‘not’ joy. How is it that some intentions take such a circuitous route to become what it is that you truly want?

We are in the middle of renovations, again, or should I say as always. My husband’s ‘full joy’ outcome will be to not have renovations to do anymore and my ‘full joy’ outcome is to be surrounded by beauty. For both outcomes to be realized, it requires that the work is complete, and in that, we are aligned, my joy results from the expression of his joy. Our reality is that we feel stuck in the middle of a not beautiful work in progress. Global restrictions on goods and materials and a full house that would be more than uncomfortable with no stairs, no kitchen, and the dust and debris that is inevitable make it seem like there is no end in sight.

Can we find joy in the process, the hard work, and the not beautiful part? How do we move forward while being held back? What small and next steps within the process can we take in order to satisfy our need for JOY and lead us to completion and celebration?

The answers lie in finding milestones within the milestone, finding moments of joy that propel us toward the final joyous outcome. 

All transformational processes are easier to navigate when you pause to observe and celebrate your progress. This applies to the upgrades you are working on in your internal operating system or your external environment…either way, CELEBRATE what is transforming inside and out.

Needless to say, but I will, the JOY we seek is often through some tough times and hard work. Much of the creation of joy is done through recognizing and acting on adjustments for change, whether it’s through a change of mindset or leaving a relationship, finding a new job, or fixing a house, all the things that disrupt the status quo.

The JOY we seek is often found on completion or realization of something hard-won through focus and effort. Celebrating the joy in progress and process is something most of us are not particularly practiced at. In each of the moments on a journey to the completion of anything, each step we’ve completed or milestone we’ve reached we must give ourselves an energetic high-five. This is akin to a rallying call. It’s in these steps along the way, where we express gratitude for getting this far and being joyful at/in the moment, that we can find the energy to forge ahead.

Expressions of JOY are exuberant outbursts of gratitude!

For my husband and I, this could be the way to create a catalyst for the work that needs to be done and a way that both of us could be living in a state of joy during a difficult process – grateful for and acknowledging the small wins in the process to the bigger celebration that is promised on completion. Heaven knows there are many small ‘wins’ along the way, it’s up to us to recognize them as such, express gratitude in the recognition, and allow for the joy that results, all creating fuel for the steps ahead.

Inspiration is often born from the energy of JOY.

Envisioning outcomes through the ‘feeling’ of joy can propel your ideas and dreams toward reality, shifting thought into inspiration, and inspiration into action. JOY energy is like a beacon, we are all drawn to joyous people and occasions – it is an energetic power source and a magnet for more of what it created. When we take inspired action created from the energy of joy we are more likely to draw to us the people and resources that are helpful in achieving our goals.

JOY energy is both a catalyst and a release. Joy can be felt and expressed as excitement in recognition of possibility. It is a joyous moment when surprise events or outcomes meet needs that haven’t been expressed or unexpected good fortune offers resources that are meaningful and powerful. Feeling vibrant and inspired can create joy and the energy to take action and the next steps towards a goal or a dream.

Sometimes we need joy as a catalyst to start a project of transformation and sometimes we need it to celebrate milestones along the way. Joy and gratitude are the energetic encouragement we need to continue on in our creative process and it is through expressions of joy and gratitude that we recognize a dream fulfilled or a happy outcome.  And always we need to celebrate the planned outcomes and happy surprises in life so that we are filled up for the inevitable challenges ahead.

OH, JOY!!~~~~ Cheers to finding yours, I’m off to find mine!


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