May 26, 2021

Dear Mental Health Professionals: Stop Stigmatizing Us.

So, I’m not Borderline anymore.

I’m not sure I ever was, but I’m definitely not now.

How do I know?

Well, I scrubbed it off my forehead this morning.

Yep, that’s all I did.

I washed my face and saw Rebecca again.

How does it feel?


Can I actually just get rid of this label?

Of course I can.

All you gotta do is wash it off.

Why haven’t I gotten rid of it sooner?

Because I was made to believe there was something fundamentally wrong with me.

How did I become to believe this?


Why was I given such a label?

Because I told my truth. I told my therapist I was sad. I told her I was suicidal. I told her I was hurting because I was.

I never had “bad behaviors.”

I never did anything “bad.”

I wasn’t reckless.

I wasn’t quick to anger.

I wasn’t anything but hurting.

What happens when you’re a young, white female who is sad and who says they are suicidal?

You most likely get labeled as having “Borderline Personality Disorder.”

What happens when you get this label?

The mental health field sees you as difficult and often terminates you.

I was never a difficult client.

I was never “bad.”

I was just hurting.

I was just sad.

Please hold our hearts with care and stop stigmatizing us.

We are not “borderline.”

We are hurting.

Many of us are trauma survivors.

Be gentle.

Be kind.

Stop labeling emotional distress.

Drop the disorder.


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Elephant journal  |  Contribution: 1,375,390

author: Rebecca Renae

Image: Büşra Özcan/Unsplash

Editor: Lisa Erickson