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May 26, 2021

Do you want to know how this LUNAR ECLIPSE is affecting you? READ THIS!

Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius ♐️ 

The vibes include 

• Expansion 

Not only is your awareness and intuition expanding but also a feeling of wanted to learn more. New ideas coming in. Ways to revamp old things to make them new again. There’s an opportunity to perfect your craft, by learning something new or doing something differently. Remember there is always room for growth. 

• Renewal 

New beginnings are on the horizon. It’s time to claim your wholeness. Remember nothing changes if nothing changes. If you want something different to happen you have to make different choices. This may include spending time with people who make you happy and who you enjoy life with. This may mean you need more time by yourself to recharge. Do what’s best for you and make the necessary changes to welcome more beauty into your life. Endings are merely beginnings! 

• Manifestations arriving

Things that you have wanted for a long time are coming in. Be patient you are going to receive them. Be open to receiving and here’s a question that keeps coming up. If you got everything you ever wanted right now would you be ready for it? Let that sink in! 

• Planning + Action 

Plans are good and so is flexibility. Create a plan for what you want. Write it down imagine it coming into your life, how it feels. Then ACT! Manifesting is more then just asking for it. You have to takes the steps toward what you want and then allow space for it. Some things may leave and change but it’s only so better can make their way in! 

Release what doesn’t serve you and welcome the new in! YOU DESERVE IT! 

Here’s a link to sign up for more insight! I’m launching “LUNAR CYCLES” very soon! Guidance during the moon cycles, gatherings, and Astro Wisdom!!

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