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May 28, 2021

Feminism and Misandry

*Editor’s Note: This article represents the personal view of the author, and does not reflect Elephant Journal’s mission and values as a whole. Disagree with this opinion? We’re happy to share your experience here.


The basic premise of Feminism is arguable. I have two earsful of ” it’s all about equality” and the “oppessive patriarchy”. I can’t find any evidence of either. Gender Equality is unseen in any warm blooded animal on planet earth so it’s unlikely to be a sound basis for the social structure of the warm blooded humans. Evolution is a pretty good argument against the idiology of Feminism. Look at it this way; every living thing alive today is the living proof of an unbroken succession of successful parents all the way back to the ameoba. Every person you see, has great great great great grand parents who had great great great grand parents and they too, and so on, surviving famines, war, exposure and disease. They all produced successful children and eventually you were one of them. So either oppressive patriarchy is a biological and behavioral adaptation which why you are here reading this, or there really never was an oppressive patriarchy.  Intersectional feminism admits that ” patriarchy hurts men too”. That’s nice. Thanks for caring. So how exactly does did or will oppessive patriarchy hurt women? It doesn’t it didn’t and it never will. The social structure of all warm blooded animals on earth is gynocentric, and hypergamic. Female reproductive quality is the limiting factor in the species. For humans, success comes from the extensive supply and protection provided to the progeny. This required a division of labor for the parents. Evolution is why women’s voices are higher pitched than men’s. It’s biological evolution to secure supply and protection from the men. Men’s voice are lower and more menacing sounding like growling to better protect the clutch from predators.  It works pretty good, actually. There are more examples of biological adaptation which debunks Feminist idiology of oppessive patriarchy. I understand that ideology is how it’s supposed to be spelled. I spell it’ idiology’ to connect it with idiocy.  It’s a rediculous spaghetti sauce to entertain the idea that women are oppressed or have ever been oppressed throughout history moreso than men. Men experience the majority of the miseries life has to offer. Name a misery then do a gendered breakdown of it. If you are a feminist, you will choose a misery that only effects women, which is interesting, as it is Nature, not men that supplies that misery. Men’s history is a history of compensating for the raw deal Nature gave to females, and at their exposure to harm and expense. The Wage Gap is a great example. Feminsts claim that women are paid less. And that this is somehow misogynist oppressive patriarchy. The truth is a little more nuanced. Men pay more in personal income tax. 4X more than the wage gap would suggest, and men are almost exclusively the Victim of workplace fatalities and injuries. 93% , 75% respectively. I challenge anyone to present a real example of oppressive patriarchy whereas men benefit from this oppression and that no reasonable compensation is provided. Feminism is Misandry.

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