May 8, 2021

Help me hire 5 new editors.

We just got the hard news that we’re losing a key editor. This year alone, we’ve lost a few key staff. We’re on good terms with all, but it’s hard.

Hard. Any time we have to train someone new, we have to pay an experienced, skilled editor not to work, more or less, but to train, for a few months, plus pay those trainees not to work, but to learn. As a small business, it kicks our butt…for most of the year, every year, leaving us tired and relatively broke, unable to get improvements in our benefits or site.

If you’ve bothered to read this unsexy headline and click in, you’re likely an avid Elephant reader. If you love us, or think we could stand improvement…either way, you’ll likely agree that Elephant needs editors—I’m trying to hire, so we can publish the many good folks like yourself clamoring to see their articles published, every day. But we can’t afford to. If you’re up for being a mensch, a patron, a VIP…

Feeling generous? Love indie media? Love Elephant?

Help, here, if so inspired!

I’ll update our total help here, and if you’d like your name or business shown, I’ll include that here, too. Just email me that you gave at waylon @ elephantjournal dot com with subject bar “Editors Help.”

PS: two of them are experienced mentors Jann and Jennifer, whom some of you may know (and love). 

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Waylon Lewis  |  Contribution: 825,495