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May 30, 2021

Loyalty-an unnatural Bondage

Photo by Marcelo Chagas on Pexels.

As far as I understand, the word loyal just means sticking to something or someone.
If one feels like sticking, one may, if one doesn’t, one may not.
We are life
& life means movement.
Sticking is opposite to movement so I wouldn’t call it natural.
We all (life) move
For different reasons, in different ways
Then sticking to something when U have a reason to move seems just unnatural.
But we all want the world to be stable & still
& so we make these words like loyalty, commitment, promise, etc.
But these things ensure some stability only when done wholeheartedly else they just lead to more instability.
& Stillness & stability is something that is already there within.
Once U find it, U won’t need such these words but unless U do,
Just do whatever makes U feel more free & unchained
Because freedom is the only way to stillness
This seems paradoxical but it isn’t
A chained mind always tries to fight to be unchained
Whereas a free mind has nothing to fight with so it roams around freely & then just settles somewhere & becomes still & stable there
So accept everything if U can because acceptance is the way to freedom & life is only loyal to freedom
So loyalty can only be towards life
What else is there worth being loyal to
& what is this loyalty thing that U keep hanging around with U?

~ Nakul /grawal

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