May 13, 2021

Push Yourself—Because No One Else Will.


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Push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you.

All great people who achieved true excellence had one thing in common: the willingness to push beyond their limits, day in and day out, despite all the discomforts.

I have experienced this with my body. Since I started working out regularly at home, doing yoga, handstands, weights, and cardio, I have noticed that I’ve grown considerably stronger over time. At 37, I’m a lot stronger than I was at 15. Often, people ask me, “What does it take to be strong and fit or achieve your goals?” My answer: don’t be afraid to dive into deep, dark waters.

People who achieve their goals have a comfort zone, but it does not stop them. It shows them how bad they want it; they aren’t afraid to take risks or push outside their comfort zone as they know that it is where growth occurs. They understand that the pain and pleasure principle is what helps them to grow—when they use it wisely. The pain of remaining the same is too strong so they change. They make outside their comfort zone, and they view change as pleasure. And being inside their comfort zone, which produces the same results and excuses and regrets, they see as pain.

They mostly operate in an uncomfortable zone that drives them to push their boundaries. People who grow do understand the people who are afraid of the dark waters; however, they know for them, it will be wasted talent and time because life is a one-time opportunity.

People who grow and succeed with their goals in life do not want to be caged with self-limiting beliefs because they do not want to miss fully tapping into their potential.

What most people do not realise is those who grow and become successful people are content with their accomplishments but also think about what’s next. They’re always thinking, “What’s next?” For them, success and growth are the journey, not the destination.

From their point of view, every limit is just a beginning as well as an ending. If we don’t make the most of our talents, our time here on earth, we limit our career possibilities, life, and lose out on opportunities.

Let us not look back on our life uttering the words, “Woulda, coulda, and shoulda.” Let us use our lives and talents and always remember, “To whom much is given, much will be required.” (Luke 12:48.)

So, don’t disappoint yourself. Push yourself because no one else will.


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Rhyanna Watson  |  Contribution: 28,540

author: Rhyanna Watson

Image: Author's own

Editor: Naomi Boshari