May 4, 2021

Top 5 Reasons why Men Disappear on Women.

“When a guy tells you he’s not sure what he wants, or he doesn’t want a relationship with you, 5 plus 5 is always 10—it’s never 11.”

Those are the golden words that Matthew Hussey said in his below video.

Can I please take a minute to read that again?

I still remember the first time I watched that video. I had mixed emotions about what I heard. I felt shame, surprise, liberation, agony, bliss. I felt a wide range of emotions because I needed to hear what Hussey said.

I needed to know why the men I had dated disappeared on me, and most importantly, I needed to learn. Ah, we don’t easily learn when it comes to matters of the heart, right? When we feel, we just feel and forget to be rational. This is why we need more people like Hussey to bring us back to reality and remind us that we matter—and that 5 plus 5 is always 10.

We shouldn’t be scared or worried to go back to reality. Understanding why someone ghosts us might hurt us badly. It’s not easy to shatter our own beliefs and mental images, but it’s definitely a step toward finding the right person who stays.

Here’s the video and here’s your grand awakening just a few minutes away:



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Elyane Youssef  |  Contribution: 335,040

author: Elyane Youssef

Image: Anastasia Shuraeva/Pexels