You Are A Natural Beauty
We inject our face with fillers and hide our greys with chemical
And yet we marvel at the beauty of withering trunks in nature, old and lifeless and captivating
We shave and manicure hair all over our bodies
And yet we marvel at the imperfections of the lush, green and chaotic forest floor
We judge ourselves against models with certain measurements and an ‘ideal’ size
And yet we marvel at the flowing, voluptuous hillscape, branches, sand dunes, oceans, never one and the same
We are nature, perhaps a little less wild, and a little less wise…
We are no less unique, no less diverse
Let us celebrate our bodies, our whole beings, just as we celebrate the stars, the moon, the sky, the land, and the ocean
From one piece of nature to another
Stand tall and proud, blossom, reach for the sun, dance in the wind, intertwine with those around you, and together let’s celebrate all of us ???
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