June 19, 2021

“Dear Intern: we’ve all been there.”

The internet isn’t always a warm and welcoming place. While it certainly can be, more often it’s steeped with examples of the type of human nature we wouldn’t necessarily exhibit in real life.

Though there are those rare and wonderful exceptions—like the intern that has single-handedly reminded us all of what it was like to be new and learning new skills. The intern mistakenly sent an empty test email to a portion of HBOMax’s email list. And as it turns out, there’s no anger or frustration surrounding the incident on social media. Instead, people are sharing their own experiences and pulling for the newbie.

It’s a joy to see such kindness in a world that needs as much kindness as we can throw at it.

I still remember the time that I mistakenly cc’ed my manager hundreds of emails when testing a new CRM program. Or all the moments I’ve mistakenly shut down video feeds at the wrong time and it caught folks mid-sentence. And so many more things that I’ve forgotten, I’m sure. So yes, Intern, I feel your feels and I’m glad the internet has turned into a warm and squishy landing place for you in the midst of your trending story.

Take a look at some of the other (great) replies shared on the interwebs and give all of these good folks props for humaning, for surviving, and for sharing the love:

Intern, you are a hero. But perhaps more important now is that HBOMax follows through with their promise to help you through it. To take care of their team. Mistakes happen. It’s how we react to them that matters, and in this case our eyes are on HBOMax.


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author: Molly Murphy

Image: Twitter/@NovallSwift