June 9, 2021

I Long for your French Kiss. {Poem}

My lips long to taste you


to feel your tongue in me

a frenzy arises

embrasse-moi profondément

your smile reminds me of lazy afternoons and sunsets

full wet lips and intrigue

goûte moi

I crave the feel of your hands

gently carving your name on me

touche moi

you make me crazy

with anticipation

embrasse-moi maintenant

dancing in the moonlight

awaiting your call

talk dirty to me

en Français

the space between us

is torture for my senses

so close

sens moi

your mischievous grin

holds me in suspense

teasing me

séduit moi

I am dizzy

distracted by thoughts of you

do you feel it too?


do you long for me

or is this just a dream?

es-tu réel?

say my name

whisper your fantasies in my ear

parle-moi salement

take me on a journey

of discovery

to the deepest parts of my being


my senses are on fire

every touch electric

what have you done to me?


watching your fingers swirl

in the sweet water

I want to drink from you

je veux te goûter

command me

possess me

ravage me

baise moi


the pain of longing

for release

jouis avec moi

again and again

this craving awakened

but never satisfied

baise-moi encore

embrace me

smooth my senses

purr in my ear

kiss me all over

caresse moi

we share a secret now

just between us

a sacred moment in time


je t’attendrai

until we meet again

bonne nuit mon amour


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Jana Joy  |  Contribution: 6,555

author: Jana Joy

Image: Abel Maestro Garcia/Flickr

Editor: Naomi Boshari