June 10, 2021

If you’ve Ever Loved & Lost, this Breathtaking Video will Help you Lean into the Sadness.

Five years ago, this video fell into my hands.

I’d been getting really talented at numbing my feelings, my self, during this chapter of my life.

The video is currently at more than 20 million views, and I’m fairly certain that a healthy fraction of those views came from me. After pressing the play button many times over the course of a few weeks, I rose out of my numbness and welcomed the flood of repressed emotion.

The sadness, the cathartic release, the synchronicity between the dancers, the authentic expression of lost love through Elliot Moss’s voice…

I found immediate solidarity in the beauty of it truly being better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.

An added bonus lesson? Sadness can be such a beautifully breathtaking emotion.

May this help you lean into yours.


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Elizabeth Miller  |  Contribution: 26,730

author: Elizabeth Miller

Image: YouTube

Editor: Nicole Cameron