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June 15, 2021

Tips on how to make training interactive for an online class

Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.

Now that we’re doing most of our daily activities online and we’ve adopted a “hybrid” lifestyle, learning how to make training interactive during lectures is necessary.

We all know how tedious online meetings can be, especially if the host doesn’t make an effort to keep the energies up. What are the results of this? A non-stimulating class. It not only will result in failure but also will have wasted such precious time.

Despite the negativity expressed in the previous paragraph, it is possible to make training more interactive for your employees so they can actually acquire new skills and have a memorable moment along with you and their co-workers.

Interactive training definition

Interactive training is a pedagogic method where the students or employees are requested to actively participate in the process instead of just hearing the lecture. Thus, its main purpose is to help people acquire new skills and become better at certain activities or tasks. It also helps to evaluate employee competencies and skills.

Interactive training has become a popular method in schools and workplaces as the individuals that take part in it seem to retain more information than those who attend regular lectures.

How to make training interactive with online tools

There are tons of interactive online training methods that can be enriching for people even if they aren’t interacting directly with each other. We can take advantage of technology and use it in our favor to help our people learn new skills that will be useful in their daily lives and workdays.

On this list, you’ll find interactive online training methods that you can use easily.

1. Use videos, infographics, or graphics to teach a certain topic.

It has been demonstrated that people absorb better the information they observe rather than what they hear. Thus, instead of just doing a lecture where you’ll be endlessly speaking, perhaps including a video or an infographic that people can read and interact with can turn the meeting into a pleasant experience.

Even if they didn’t pay attention, the images would resonate in their head, and they will remember some of them.

2. Include game-based learning.

Encourage the attendees to strengthen their skills via certain games. It doesn’t have to be anything complicated – you can include trivia-based competitions, for instance. However, if you’re going to include these games, make sure they are appropriate and accustomed for your company and the attendees.

If you opt for competitions, remember to keep everything smooth, so the environment doesn’t turn toxic. The goal here is for everyone to have a good time and to learn something new that will be useful in their daily lives.

3. Tell stories.

We already said that hearing a person speaking can be tedious sometimes, but everyone is up to hear a good story. You can explain certain things and interpolate personal experiences to make the attendees interested in what you’re saying. If they ask questions about it, you’re hitting a nerve.

It has been demonstrated that storytelling can help us retain more knowledge. Thus, it causes certain memories to last longer.

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