July 18, 2021

A Lesson in Humility from an Unlikely Source: An NBA All-Star.


More and more frequently we’re seeing people using their platforms for good—to express support for causes they feel deeply about or to make a statement.

Professional actors, athletes, musicians, and so many others are using their voices to make good trouble.

In 2019 Don Cheadle used his platform to support the transgender community when he appeared on SNL with a shirt saying “PROTECT TRANS KIDS.”

And in 2020 Naomi Osaka wore seven masks during the U.S. Open, each with the name of a victim of racial injustice written across it. Why? To start a conversation, to show her protest, and advocate that black lives matter.

These are only the tip of the iceberg. There are so many more examples of people using their platforms to share a message, to start a conversation, and to begin to change the status quo.

Milwaukee Bucks basketball player Giannis Antetokounmpo may not have made a political statement or thrown his support behind a cause, but in my mind, he may have done something just as important.

Asked by a reporter how he keeps his ego in check, he had a ready answer that I did not expect and it has played and replayed in my thoughts.

He’s delivered a valuable life lesson to us all in less than two minutes.

Wisdom comes to us in many shapes and forms if only we’re open to hearing it.

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author: Molly Murphy

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