July 2, 2021

Angels: Are they Real? (Read my Story & Decide for Yourself.)


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There are times in our lives when we experience a quantum leap in consciousness—something really big happens, and our paradigm shifts.

We open to a new spiritual context that we haven’t known before. This happened to me, and it was nothing short of miraculous.

I will call this my “angel visit” for the purpose of naming what I’m going to tell you.

Before telling you my story, I want to say that I’m not one who consults new age “angel cards;” I have never given credence to the archangel concepts. “Angels” just weren’t in my consciousness.

And so, what I tell you here came to me from a place of infinite Mystery. (Notice I capitalized Mystery.)

It wasn’t just mysterious; it showed itself to me as part of the Grand Mystery:

My best friend was going through a horrific divorce. Her soon-to-be-ex and all his fancy lawyers were putting her through hell. To say I felt hatred for him was putting it mildly.

On this spring morning, I was doing my daily run through the outer perimeter of my neighborhood. I live in a quiet part of my city, surrounded by the typical landscape of the rolling Southern California foothills—green mountains peppered with boulders of every shape and size.

I had always loved doing my run within this natural beauty, but on this day, with every stride of my run, I stomped out another reason I hated her ex-husband. I was seething with the energy of hatred (on behalf of my friend).

As I ran up the street that paralleled the mountain tapestry, something spoke to me—literally spoke to me. I heard an unexplained call to divert my path up into the foothills. I found an opening between the boulders and climbed until I saw the perfect rock. As I sat down on it, everything shifted.

I sunk into a consciousness that hovered just above the surface of reality. I heard a low-pitched humming, like the Universe was chanting, inviting me to hear something that was rare and precious. I closed my eyes to take it in. My senses felt heightened. I experienced a feeling in my body as though everything was functioning in slow motion. My breath felt expansive; my heart rate slowed. I could feel the blood moving through my veins. It felt like it was flowing gently, like a meandering river.

Next, something profoundly sacred happened. Ethereal beings, which I now call “my angels,” began coming to me. They surrounded the boulder I was sitting on and beckoned me to stand. As I stood, the perception of my surroundings shifted. I was standing in a huge green field and, one after another, these large light beings came until hundreds of them were gathered, making a huge circle.

If I were to describe them to you, I would say they were each about seven feet tall. They were diaphanous—a look of transparency—like when you’re shining a flashlight into thick fog. Their movement was like repetitive frames of stop-action photography. And, yes, they had the shape of having wings. They emitted the most beautiful vibratory hum. No words were spoken. Everything was communicated through the heart.

I was called to stand with them in this circle of Light, and as I stood, I realized that I had become as large and transparent as they were. I had shapeshifted to become one of them.

Now that the circle was formed, people from my life started to come into the middle of the circle. First my family, then friends. Then acquaintances. And finally, people I didn’t know well at all. And then, him (the ex).

As each person entered, they were fully embraced by unconditional love. My own heart was spilling over with love for my loved ones. Love for humanity. And finally, love for him.

I can’t begin to describe the emotion behind feeling this powerful giving of love. And it was reciprocal—though my angels and I were giving this love, we were also receiving it.

I felt a sense of completion and opened my eyes to find myself still sitting on that boulder. Not much time had passed. Maybe 10 minutes.

What had happened to me?

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All I could do was sit there and weep with the profundity of what I had just experienced. I was a different person. I truly felt like I was overflowing with love—even for my friend’s ex-husband. My bitterness had melted.

What happened to me was so extraordinary that I couldn’t even speak of it. I told no one for years. I felt like I needed time and privacy to process what had happened to me.

You may think, “She’s crazy.” “Maybe she had a psychotic break.” “She really has a wild imagination.”

One of my dear friends called me the next day to say he felt compelled to tell me that angels had visited him on that morning. He couldn’t explain it to me, he could only say that he had felt a loving presence of extraordinary magnitude embrace him, and he felt changed. This was a validation for me, that what I had experienced was true.

Over the years, as I have come in contact with those who have a psychic proclivity—tarot readers, healers, mediums—they tell me, as they read my energy, they are astounded to see that I am surrounded by thousands of Light Beings.

I realize that my story seems phenomenal.

Unbelievable. Contrived. Made-up.

I can only tell you that it is as real to me as my fingers on the keyboard typing these words to you now.

For me, the Grand Mystery is real.

I share my story with you because I want to offer you an open door to contemplate (and possibly share) the Mysteries you have experienced.

I hope you’ll write about your own understanding of the Mystery that has cracked you open, changed you, called you to a deeper knowing of this most auspicious life.

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author: Kathy Bolte

Image: madebyralu/instagram

Editor: Kate Force