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July 9, 2021

Attachment and Detachment

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.

Attaching enslaves you
Detaching frees you
If you are attached to your cellphone, the moment it falls, something in you also falls, U panic, U fear, U lose your mental balance & U cannot make the right choices when imbalanced, Can U?
While if U are detached, which U originally are, U just pick up the phone & do what’s needed next to keep your work going,
which you would anyways have to do even when U were attached, but U waste time, energy & emotions when attached, U harm yourself unnecessarily when there’s no natural harm caused
Isn’t it?
This is just about the cellphone,
Imagine what happens when U attach yourself to people, places, properties, memories & ideologies?
U lose your balance & harm yourself by yourself for a lifetime.
So how to be free of attachment?
Through 2 things – clarity & choicefulness
U need to have this clarity that the places, the things, the people the memories & the ideologies that U relate to are a part of your life but not you nor your life.
U can be grateful for having their presence but don’t need to seek their permanency nor limit yourself to them because everyone has their free will, everything is temporary & impermanent.
& then cultivate what I call choicefulness
Which empowers you to remain constantly aware of your feelings & notice the moment something affects you which would then help you to chose to change it, to drop it, to detach yourself from it using the clarity that U have obtained.
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