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July 4, 2021

Basic Instincts and beyond

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.

The world is divided. These divided lines are deep and primal embedded within our consciousness as human beings, one race against another, one nation against another, one religion against another, one class against another, one opinion against another. Think of how our species had to survive as wild primitive humans before agriculture and organised tribes. It was you against nature with extraordinarily little to help you, apart from your raw primal instincts to guide you every single day.

Back then it was part of your basic survival to be on a side. Think of it, if you had to hunt and forage for food you might naturally form either a cluster of the best hunters and share the bounty while keeping others out in fear of not having enough, or you would go out and hunt on your own for you and your family fighting off anyone else who mite be a threat to your food supply and resources. This was the foundation upon which we were build, Me or us against that which is treating my way of life or survival.

Today we don’t need to hunt and forage for food, but still we feel safe when we are supported in what we stand for or believe in, it becomes your tribe your cluster. We only accept what we fully comprehend, and outside opinion or knowledge can be foreign and therefore threatening, so we close ourselves in fear for our survival.

The most dangerous thing about harsh times is the levels of perceived and real fear that people have to operate in. It can have a numbing effect, causing us to reach down very deep within ourselves and bring forth those primal instincts which we needed to survive, the basic primal instinct of dividing the individual or group from everything else.

But when you look back at human history the most success we had was after these harsh times when we started moving back to community and unity. As we override the primitive programming of fear and replace it with creative thinking. Only then would we be able to reach our fullest potential and see amazing human ingenuity for the greater good. We as a specie survived wars, plagues, inquisition, and so much more, emerging with something that moved us forward out of the darkness. Will we, or maybe the better question is what will we do to move us out of the darkness now. Can we do it again and start overriding the programming of collective trauma, can we look beyond our divided lines and see that we are all in this together. What if we used our creative thinking within community.

what will happen then?

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