July 5, 2021

Cancer New Moon: 10 Things to Know & Create Ritual Around. {July 9, 2021}

*Whether it’s science or magic, if it’s of fun benefit, enjoy! ~ ed


Another New Moon is upon us.

This is an opportunity to set new intentions, allow for new ideas to come in, and get silent and listen to our inner voice, our intuition.

This one feels curious and challenging for some, supportive for others, and has me yearning for bigger.

I suspected I was not alone in that. One of many ways I lean into the energetics of the moon is by paying attention to what is happening for others in my community of moon-sensitive empaths.

Tanya said, “It feels like a huge shift is happening, and also feels like there will be some work involved spiritually and emotionally.”

Carla expressed, “I feel alert, clear, present. I am sensing a newfound part of me has emerged & much more freedom. I have a feeling of wings unraveling at my side and spreading! Interesting because I’m not one to feel or picture myself with wings in any case.”

“I feel free, no worries. Clear mind,” said Nancy.

I related to all of these.

I am not a moon expert, and I always stress that I do not study western astrology, though I lean into it. (My favorite expert astrologer is Mimi at Gaia Blooming.)

I am a Subtle Energy Medicine practitioner who relies on the moon’s wisdom for just about everything, from business decisions to my exercise regimen. And it makes a huge, life-changing difference.

The wisdom of the moon can advise us what to do, what to ask, and how to do it if we listen. And for those like me who are moon sensitive, the call to listen is even more significant so that the experience can be more pleasant.

When a new moon and full moon come around, I observe, intuit, and act.

The New Moon in Cancer is happening Friday, July 9, 2021, at 8:16 p.m. (central time/CST).

Here are 10 things to keep in mind to help navigate the Cancer New Moon:

1. Enjoy Family.

The sign of Cancer rules family, so the New Moon in Cancer is a perfect time to set new intentions around family. We can focus on what we want more of, and allow our bodies and emotions to literally feel the sensations of what we desire in our family connections. It starts with feeling joy.

2. Chest and Tummy Love. 

Cancer also rules the chest (breasts included) and stomach. It is a perfect time to tune into any signals the tummy gives us or make a plan (not necessarily a visit) for breast care. I scheduled my thermography appointment for a later time when the moon is not in the sign of Cancer (generally speaking, each zodiac rules specific body parts, and when the moon is in that zodiac, we want to avoid aggravating those areas).

3. Be Emotionally Prepared. 

It is a great time to take our emotions seriously and remember emotions have vital information for us. Last month, I wrote an article that can help us understand our emotional cues more effectively; you can find it here. One state of being sure to help us all is compassion. When emotions come up for ourselves or others, we can use compassion and understanding to get through to the other side.

4. Pay Attention to Red Flag Emotions.

If something doesn’t feel good, it’s not. Sometimes, our emotions provide us with helpful cues to shift, and other times, they provide red flags. We must pay attention to those too. If something doesn’t feel good, it’s a good time to trust it’s not, and create distance from that.

5. Cook, Nest, and Enjoy Home.

It’s a good time to set new intentions in, around, and for the home. Doing supportive activities with intention can benefit us all at this time. For example, cook a new recipe holding awareness and the intention of cooking up something new and delightful in life, or spend time in the garden planting seeds along with the intention that new is coming to fruition.

6. Romance and Relationships.

There may be an awareness and desire for intimacy and even some spark in the bedroom. If this is an area of focus, you may be interested in diving deeper into a piece I wrote that talked about how we can ignite a romantic and passionate partnership through the help of Feng Shui.

7. Forgive.

The energy is thick in forgiveness. If triggers show up, disappointment, or resentment, do a self-inquiry on forgiveness. Often the person we have to forgive is ourselves. I share a process here that has worked for me that could be a beneficial ritual to implement during this New Moon.

8. Do Practical Tasks.

Though we may feel pressure from friends and family to overextend ourselves, it’s best not to. We can prevent extreme overwhelm by focusing on what helps us feel secure. Taking time to assess our budgets, work calendars, and do the practical things that bring us a sense of feel-good effectiveness, will bring alignment and ease during this New Moon.

9. Set Intentions.

Setting goals around home, family, business goals, career, emotions, or intuition are all supportive at this time. Focus on one or all, sit down with a journal and pen, and write. Even one minute is adequate to do under the energy of the New Moon in Cancer.

10. Move Lightly. 

This is a time to go easy on our bodies. Save the HIIT workouts and hardcore running for the Full Moon. It’s a good time now for a restorative practice like yoga or simple breathwork and meditation.

Do any of these stand out to you? I would love to hear if so!

If you feel called to test it out and play with it, mark your calendar for six months from now on the Cancer Full Moon. When that comes around, review your intentions and actions, and see what has transpired.

I bet it’s a shift for the better! Let me know!


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author: Gina Nicole Ballard

Image: Adrian RA/Unsplash

Editor: Lisa Erickson