July 28, 2021

168 Words to Fill the Empty Spaces in your Heart.


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I’m here to remind you that loss creates a hole.

I’m here to remind you that this hole somehow gets filled.

You can’t possibly know how or when.

It may hurt for days, or months, or years.

But on a magical day, a miracle comes along and fills that hole.

Maybe a little bit, maybe completely.

The heaviness of the grief lessens; you breathe more deeply and safely into your chest.

You move forward.

And as you do, you realize that loss will come knocking again.

Maybe in days, or months, or years.

But next time, you’ll greet it not only with sadness but also camaraderie.

For you’ve learned the dance of loss.

You now know that loss will not sink you.

No, loss will walk steadily with you toward another miracle that will fill yet another hole.

And in that truth, you find magic.

Magic in knowing who you truly are, atop the layers of loss—a beautiful compilation of miracles in what were once empty spaces.

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Natasha Siedsma  |  Contribution: 1,625

author: Natasha Siedsma

Image: muhammedsalah_/instagram

Editor: Kate Force