July 28, 2021

Nudity is not Inherently Sexual—it is Genuine, Raw & Beautiful. {Nudity}


This photoshoot is something I always look back on because it brings me so much joy.

It was the first time I felt seen and free—as barefoot, footloose, and fancy-free as the Tasmanian devil I am.

It reminded me that I am a human being and I get to choose my experience of life. I am not stigmas and untruths. My body is an exceptional gift that gives me beautiful experiences in life.

We all struggle with insecurities—no matter what one’s body looks like.

Being a human never comes easy—it’s always work.

And no matter how happy someone looks, they always face challenges.

Everything always exists—we just don’t always see it. We see what we look for. Where our mind goes our body and life follows.

We are light and dark and I believe our aim is not to make the darkness disappear, but to be the light in the dark like the moon and stars—to become the moon and create our own waves of love and kindness, instead of being dumped on by the world’s waves of chaos.

Nudity is my natural state in life and yoga.

Nudity is not inherently sexual. It is just what we decide it to be. Humans take nude photos for many different reasons—just like everything we do in life.

Nudity can be raw, vulnerable, honest, sensual, desirable, and many other things.

I chose nude art because of those reasons, but also because nudity is natural and near nature—it’s interesting, different, and beautiful. It’s minimalistic and doesn’t encourage materialism.

In nude photos, we can clearly see the lines of the body and the light and shadow on our skin in yoga poses.

In the nude, we are genuine, not hidden, not covered, but just as we are.

What are your opinions on nudity?

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Rhyanna Watson  |  Contribution: 28,540

author: Rhyanna Watson

Image: Author's own

Editor: Juliana Otis