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July 26, 2021

The art of pleasure.

The big topic today is the Art of Pleasure and that includes self-care, self-pleasuring and yes, my Queens, masturbation.
Warning: We will be sharing parts of our Pussypedia. It’s going to be delicious grown-ass adult fun! 
Life unfortunately gives us pain as well as pleasure – the key is knowing how to return to pleasure. In the world we find our gorgeous selves living in today, there are many reasons life could feel low-vibe and altogether too much to handle. So, a return to the Art of Pleasure has NEVER been more important than today.
The Art of Pleasure is a beautiful, magical thing, available no matter your situation, if you open to it. Pleasure is rare for women to chat about: sex apparently crosses our minds frequently, but rarely do we discuss it in public. The Art of Pleasure is layered and includes self-pleasuring or masturbation, but its limits go WAY beyond that. 
Masturbation is the lust side, and the Art of Pleasure is the self-love side. It’s when we ask, ‘What delights me? What gets me juicy?’ 
For us, the Art of Pleasure reaches into how we do business. We have to feel in joy with who we’re working with, how and what we’re working on. It has to ignite something in us. Otherwise, we change it. 
It’s also about staying in touch with pleasure in life and reminding ourselves about the feeling of joy in our bodies, whether it be through self-pleasuring, attention from our partners, or even the simple act of taking a bath and feeling the silken suds over our skin. It’s all about remembering to feel good! 
Savannah: For years, I felt shame around my joy for beauty and pleasure. I wanted to hide myself and my Thatched Cottage from the world, ignore and hide my desires like they were indulgent and wrong, like they made me bad and useless. The truth is, I was hiding my joy away from the world, people-pleasing instead of self-pleasing my Love Taco. She was hungry and missing all the juicy ways she could have fun with me. I was way too serious and pretty miserable because of it. Now me and my Honey Pot have a sweet life! 
Teany: I used to feel shame about my body and pleasure. When I was young, I discovered my Vajajay and was starting to explore Her when a family member dropped into my room and made me feel terrible about exposing my Cherry and touching Her ‘inappropriately’. It was my first time hearing it was wrong to love on my Wildfire Cat. Sadly, it took until well into my adult years to learn to fill my Lady Pocketbook with jewels of joy, love and appreciation.
How can we decompress the taboo nature of this juicy and important conversation?
We think it starts within. Self-understanding, self-exploration, and appreciation for pleasure are our birthright. 
This conversation is nothing to do with needing to get our bits out and dance naked on an InstaLive – unless you want to! This is about being in our bodies, letting our joy unfurl, sharing that vibrant feeling and then doing it again. 
We suggest repeating the things which bring us pleasure, just for ourselves for a while, and then spreading that joy around. Learning how to love ourselves and make love to ourselves so we feel amazing, rather than relying on another person in our lives and only allow ourselves to receive pleasure from them.
Instead of putting that level of pressure on our partners, making it up to them to please us physically and shying away from doing it ourselves, we can uncover how joyful ALL of life can be by first allowing ourselves physical pleasure. Even if our partners are wondrous at pleasing us, if we feel the need, we can always take care of ourselves, reminding us to embrace pleasure in all parts of our lives. 
So, how can we start to incorporate more pleasure? Again, it is more than just sexual.
  • Make a list of things that bring you joy and start to acknowledge pleasure in your life.
  • Appreciate your body, love on Her, take baths, or just touch and give gratitude for your physical form and all She does for you. Mirror work is amazing here: yes, go look at your Poonani and get to know Her.
  • Take an hour – or a whole day! – to treat yourself and start to learn your body’s needs and desires. This one will be particularly fun and delicious if you can be open and playful with yourself.
We invite you to thoroughly explore pleasure in healthy, loving and fun ways – whatever that looks like for you. And then you can begin to embrace the Art of Pleasure in all aspects of your life!

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