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July 27, 2021


Our thoughts make us what we are. There is a great law of the mind: Like attracts Like. Thus, Love attracts Love, and hate attracts hate.

Deep feelings help thoughts conquer space.

You cannot be conscious without feeling. The body cannot feel without the mind, even though the mind requires the body through wish it can express itself.

All negative emotions are – worry, stress, anxiety

All destructive emotions are – anger, fear, hate

All lowering emotions are – sadness, avarice, low opinions of oneself

All uplifting emotions are – love, joy, enthusiasm

All strengthening emotions are – courage, will, focus

All unifying emotions are – wisdom, faith, hope

All energizing emotions are – love, kindness, compassion. Everyone can relate to these inherent emotions within, and can beam it from the heart. It is the base energy of which we all have.

(From all above, Love is the strongest. It is like a ray of light, on which no darkness can fall. Practice Love – self love, and to others, as much as you can!)

As human beings, words are the symbols of our expression, expressed through our feelings. What we speak is how we think. Now, everything in the Universe has a rate and character of vibration. The words we speak vibrate in the invisible ether and create a synonymous energy field that surrounds us.  What you feel from within is what you speak. Your speech, which is made up entirely of words, vibrates on a certain level which projects the world around you.

They say, our words have the power to draw what we speak towards us. Consciously speak and affirm the good of what you want and wish for.

Words are the symbols of feelings. That is why if your affirmations lack the emotional response to go with it, the affirmations won’t/don’t work.

To receive genuine impressions before you give expression to them, you must steel yourself against negative, self-doubting sentiments, and maintain a neutral passive attitude to keep the channels of your mind open.

Feelings is a definite force of energy, which when controlled by self intelligence, can be a force for good.

What the mind accepts, the entity ‘feels’

Men and women who are dominated by their feelings, have little control over their emotions; and can become unsettled, uncertain & undecisive. That is why real development of mind must start with an acquired control of ones’ emotions.

The number one health menace is mental illness coinciding and creating ‘health illness’

Correction of past wrong thinking is the key to self mastery.

To be able to harness the power of your feelings, you must learn to overcome your fears and worries, and eliminate all past destructive emotional responses.

How do we do that. We do that with Breath and Affirmations.

Exercise No. 1

Sit in a comfortable position; use the wall for support if you like. If you are sitting on a chair, place your feet flat on the ground and your palms resting on your thighs. Keep your back straight.

Now gently breathe in and out from your nose. Mouth remains close. As you gently breathe in and out, follow the flow of your breath and feel how it relaxes you. Slowly allow the rhythm to fall into place, and then, consciously connecting to your navel point, breathe in from your nose, letting the breath flow all the way down, into the abdomen, and then slowly breathe out, from the nose, again.

When this rhythm gets firmly established, slowly start a mental count of 1-7 as you inhale, and as you exhale. (some of you may find it difficult to come into a full inhalation till the 7th count. The breath has filled in much before. It is ok; count to 7 anyways, and then holding the breath in the abdomen, slowly gently exhale, breathing out in 7 counts) Over time with practice you will find an equal inflow and outflow of breath taking place

Visualize your breath like the waves of the ocean. Just like the waves flow into the shore, and pause there for some time, before they flow back into the sea again; in the same way, inhale in 7 counts, hold and pause for some time, before exhaling out in 7 counts again.

As you breathe in feel positivity flowing within; as you breathe out, feel all the negativities leaving you away.

Follow this 7-7 rhythm. Try and focus on the mental count, drawing your mind back from every wavering thought. This way you will help build the focus of your mind.

Exercise No. 2

Follow this breathing exercise for 7/10 minutes, and then let go of the breath, and slowly start affirming to yourself that which you wish for. For eg. I am well, healthy and happy. Or – I am calm and peaceful; Health and Strength, – All good is happening, The Universe is taking care of Everything.

Use whichever words that resonate with you, and is what you are seeking. Breathe in the words, feeling them. Hold that feeling inside you, and then slowly exhale, breathing this energy out in the atmosphere and space. You are slowly creating a new energy around you, from within.

The 7-7 Breathing exercise, by itself, is a remarkable breathing technique which firstly establishes our own rhythm; (we all have our own unique rhythm) and allows copious amounts of oxygen to flow into the inner body, relaxes the mind, and frees it from emotions of stress, worry, anger, fear, depression etc. Makes the mind focused and steadies the energy.  And, most important – helps bring the mind in harmony with the body. When we are in harmony with ourselves, we become in harmony with the Universe.

Just the daily practice of this breathing exercise, can and will, bring marvelous results in one’s wellbeing, and I cannot emphasize it’s importance. On a mental, physical and emotional level one will find a great difference. On a spiritual level, it harmonizes you with the Universal energies, and also helps unleash your dormant hidden powers lying within. We all have our own unique powers, although, for many, they are lying hidden and dormant, and may never be found. This simple and beautiful breathing exercise allows these powers to grow. And, unleashes a new force within you.

Coupled with affirmations, you are creating and drawing what you wish for, into your life.

Practice them daily for a steady period of 21 days (atleast) to create a new space and habit in the mind.

In our next article, we learn more about the mind, how it works and it’s various facets.


Sunita Singh

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